Forum Highlights

Why Join Us At This Forum

  1. Join an exclusive gathering of entertainment and tourism leaders for meaningful conversations around creating higher-level visitor and traveler experiences
  2. Be inspired by winning stories of how major players in tourism, leisure, and entertainment have wowed customers and driven up bookings
  3. Learn all about the latest innovative applications of technology in enhancing attractions and travel experiences
  4. Join the discussion in interactive, outcomes-focused roundtables and panels, aimed at answering pressing questions around elevating visitor experiences in leisure and entertainment
  5. Take away proven best practices and practical insights to help you amplify visitor engagement and compete in an increasingly saturated entertainment marke
  6. Gain a valuable opportunity to connect and network with a wide variety of hospitality professionals, experience architects, venue and vacation leaders and more
  7. Get the latest on how established tools like chatbots, data analytics and virtual reality are shaping powerful visitor experiences worldwide
  8. Understand the critical importance of personalization and authenticity to today’s globe-trotting experience shoppers, and how to offer these effectively
  9. Delve deeper into the little factors that can break a guest or visitor experience, and how to plan for and overcome these key obstacles
  10. Peek into the future of entertainment with connected end-to-end visitor journeys, and adventurous out-of-this-world attractions

Hot Topics To Be Discussed

  1. How Multi-Sensory Technologies Are Transforming Visitor Experiences
  2. MSC Cruise: Using Novel Technology And Voice Assistant To Hyper-Personalize Every Visitor Experiences
  3. How MGM Resorts Uses Big Data Analytics And AI To Transform Experience
  4. How Casinos Are Using Predictive Modelling And Data Analytics To Re-Define In Entertainment Experience
  5. How Theme Parks Are Using Gamification Apps To Amplify User Engagement
  6. How Augmented Reality Museums Are Bringing Paintings To Life
  7. Delivering Ultra-Personalized Guest Experiences With Wearables
  8. Discover The World’s First Ridesharing Submarine: Uber On Demand At The Great Barrier Reef
  9. How Facial Recognition Can Transform Customer Experience In Theme Parks And Attraction
  10. New Strategies For Driving Revenue With Dynamic Pricing
  11. Using Green Technologies To Attract Eco-Conscious Travelers
  12. Augmented Reality Smart Playgrounds
  13. How Casinos Are Using New Ways To Attract Millennials

Future Experience Technology Site Tours

23 MAY 2020

SITE TOUR A: VR Experience for Theme Park 

The theme park race to build the highest, fastest and loopiest ride has climbed to new heights with the arrival of VR. Virtual rides offer a world of opportunities for both entertainers and customers: breathing new life into existing rides without massive investments, creating novel experiences unachievable with physical rides and even enabling visitors to enjoy their favorite rides from the comfort of home. From immersive VR-enhanced rides like The Kraken Unleashed at Florida’s SeaWorld and The Daemon at Copenhagen’s Tivoli Gardens, to completely VR-dedicated attractions like Guizhou’s VR Star Theme Park and Dubai’s VR Park, virtual reality is here to stay as a transformer of the theme park experience.  Join us in this exclusive site tour to discover how Virtual Reality can be integrated to engage your visitors and re-define their experiences.

SITE TOUR B: Technology and Innovation at Sydney Zoo

Developed in the heart of Western Sydney, the new world-class Sydney Zoo exhibits a wide range of iconic animal species in a 16.5ha safari-like setting, augmented with modern exhibit design, water features, and elevated boardwalks to bring visitors closer to the animals than ever before. Hidden behind cleverly designed barriers, an array of technological innovations provide an experience more immersive and engaging than traditional zoos. Join us on this exclusive tour of Sydney Zoo to see this technology in action and what it brings to the visitor experience.