
 19 April 2017 – Day 1 


19 April 2017, Wednesday – Day 1 Morning


With the rise of terror attacks both within Australia and globally, public safety and national resilience has become a matter of top priority to international governments. Law enforcers have damper up Counter-Terrorism laws as part of their Counter-Terrorism strategy, while public sectors have implemented measures to bolster their Security Intelligence in response to the changing circumstances.

Through these morning sessions, you will gain greater insights into emerging Terror-related trends, and the potential target points that law enforcement officials will need to reinforce and bolster with additional security measures. You will also be presented with the Australian government’s latest security initiatives such as the National Counter-Terrorism Plan and its Counter-Terrorism Partnership that aims to build a resilient nation. The panel discussions will uncover the latest developments in Australia’s global partnership with Indonesia and Singapore in Counter-Terrorism, as well as successful terror countermeasures implemented by governments. These panel discussions will shed light on possible vulnerabilities in your assets and how to successfully address them.

9:00am Welcoming Speech, Opening Remarks & Thank You Speech for Sponsors by Conference Producer
9:05am Conference Introduction and Day 1 Highlights by Chairperson
chris-howard-112x128 Chris Howard
Director of Defence and National Security
KPMG Australia

Chris is an experienced management consultant with over 20 years experience in Defence, Federal Government and the Private sector. After a military career of over 10 years, Chris has focussed on a career in management consulting. Currently, Chris is the Director in the Defence and National Security Sector where he is leading the development and delivery of the Business Acumen program which focuses on the relationships between Industry and Chief Information Officer Group (CIOG).

Chris has had significant experience providing project and program advisory support for a wide variety of Government Clients at both the operational and strategic levels to support business. Chris’ experience includes:

  • Program and Project Delivery and Planning
  • Change Management
  • Business Process Improvement
  • Professional Services Operations Management
  • Business Case Development
  • Business Transformation

Chris has qualified as a Chartered Accountant through the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia. Chris has used this qualification in delivering key outcomes for clients including business case development. Since gaining his CA Chris has also been leading the operations function for a key business unit within the KPMG Management Consulting business.

Chris has completed the Lean Fundamentals training and qualified as a practitioner through the KPMG Lean Academy, a Joint Venture between KPMG and University of Cardiff. Chris has also successfully completed the training to qualify as a Managing Successful Programs practitioner.


Terrorism Prospects in Asia and Australasia

  • Terrorism and insurgency are a growing security problem in many Asian nations
  • International Islamist terrorism is a corrosive influence in Asia and Australasia
  • Terrorism cannot be defeated by coercive force – but it can be contained to manageable levels
  • Members of the US-led coalition against Islamic State are the nations most at risk of Islamic State-inspired or directed terrorist attack.

Professor Clive Williams MG
The Terrorism Intelligence Centre

The Terrorism Intelligence Centre - Logo

Professor Clive Williams MG has a career background as an officer in Australian Military Intelligence and as a senior manager in Australian Defence Intelligence. His last Defence appointment was Director of Security Intelligence, which included responsibility for running high-level security investigations.

Clive Williams resigned from Defence in 2002, and has since run national security-related Masters course units at the Australian National University (ANU) and at several other Australian universities, as well as specialist courses for government agencies. He has also run Masters-level terrorism and counterterrorism courses in Indonesia, Japan, the Maldives, Taiwan, and the United States. Field activities have included two deployments with the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan.

Clive Williams is a regular presenter to international forums on national security-related issues. He is currently a Professor at the ANU’s Centre for Military and Security Law and an Adjunct Professor at the Australian Defence Force Academy. He is a longstanding member of several international professional associations, including the International Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators (IABTI) and the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP).

09:55am Australia’s National Security Initiatives to Keep Our Region Safe

  • National Counter-Terrorism Plan
  • Linkage of Terrorism in Indo-Pacific to Australia’s Future State of Defense
  • Responding to the Terrorism Challenges that will Shape the Future of the Nation
  • Open Source Intelligence
jacinta_carroll_web-112X128 Jacinta Carroll
Head of Counter-Terrorism Policy Centre
Australia Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI)
Jacinta Carroll is the inaugural Head of ASPI’s Counter Terrorism Policy Centre, a position she has held since August 2015. Jacinta joined ASPI from the Australian Government where she had held a variety of Senior Executive appointments, and worked in the Department of Defence and the Attorney-General’s Department. Her career experience includes working on national security, counter-terrorism, strategic policy, border security, military operations, campaign planning and scenario development, information management, and international policy with a particular focus on the Middle East and Afghanistan; she has served in Iraq.
Morning Refreshments & Networking

Panel Discussion: Next Point of Attack: Where and What Infrastructure?

  • Where are we most vulnerable?
  • Why would we be targeted?
  • Who would have the capabilities to target us?



Chris Howard
Director of Defence and National Security
KPMG Australia


Peter White
General Manager
Australian Office of Transport Security

 Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development

Peter is the General Manager, Transport Security Operations, Office of Transport Security (OTS), within the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development. OTS is Australia’s transport security regulator, and its role includes mitigating the threat of unlawful interference to aviation and maritime. His current role includes broad organisational reform designed to deliver effective regulation of transport security through industry engagement, compliance and enforcement. Peter has international experience with the Commonwealth, which has included positions in Europe, Middle East, Asia and the Pacific. He is also a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management; Member of the Australian Institute of Professional Intelligence Officers; and Member of the Australian Bravery Association. Previous roles have included: Law Enforcement Adviser to the Commonwealth Minister for Justice; Executive Staff Officer to the Commissioner of the AFP; United Nations Civilian Police Peacekeeper; Senior Adviser to the Secretary General of Interpol for their Global Security Initiative; Senior Adviser, National Security Division, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet; and senior executive positions with the Immigration portfolio and the then Customs and Border Protection Service.


Craig Sheridan
Managing Director
Sheridan Consulting Group

Craig has been appointed to a number of notable positions since retiring from the NSW Police Force, among which includes:

  • Lead Security and Risk Consultant (Vivid Festival Sydney 2016 & 2017)
  • Lead Security and Risk Consultant for Property NSW
  • Lead Security and Risk Consultant to the Department of Premier and Cabinet
  • New Years’ Eve 2016 Crowd Management
  • Lead Security Advisor Virgin Supercars
  • DNSW Emergency Management Advisor Supercars Sydney 500
  • Emergency Management Planner for the new Parramatta Square Precinct

In 2015 Craig was awarded the prestigious Australian Police Medal in the Queen’s birthday honors for distinguished service by a member of an Australian Police Force.


Mark Carrick
Managing Director
Global Business Resilience

 Global Business Resilience
Mark Carrick is one of Australia’s most experienced Counter-Terrorism practitioners. He offers more than 20 years of law enforcement experience that includes crisis management and response, general policing, witness protection, close personal protection, crime management, change management, and ultimately Counter-Terrorism intelligence.

Mark delivers business resilience across organizations, leading multidisciplinary teams to deliver integrated crisis management, contingency planning, and business continuity. By combining the attributes acquired from years of countering terror, managing multiple, complex crisis situations, and practicing as a business consultant, he brings a unique skill set to the business world. The ability to apply the rigor of systematic, intelligence-led methodologies to contemporary business practices places Mark as a unique individual with a proven record for achieving excellent results in high-pressure environments where the consequences of failure can be catastrophic.

Mark Carrick has a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Sydney and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), which has a diverse membership of directors and senior leaders from across a wide range of industries in the commercial, private, nonprofit, and government sectors. He currently writes thought leadership articles for the ACID Center of Excellence and co-developed the new Crisis Management Course for board members, he also delivers Courses and webinars designed to prepare large organizations to respond to crisis situations across the broad spectrum of Crisis planning, preparing responding and recovery, including Crisis communications and utilizing social media for west effect.


A key pillar in a nation’s resilience and longevity lies in its ability to secure its critical infrastructure points. A city that fails to provide the necessary security for these critical infrastructure points will be left vulnerable to opportunistic attacks perpetrated by terrorists and extremists that could leave even the most capable of nations crippled and defenseless. It is absolutely crucial for governments to effectively asses its vulnerabilities and develop a comprehensive security system to protect their assets and ensure resilience.

In the next few sessions, you will learn from the public and private sector in their collaboration as part of Public & Private Partnerships (PPP’s) that work to create effective security management systems that ensure well-guarded critical infrastructure points. You will also hear from our thought leaders on successfully securing different critical infrastructure points in power utilities & energy, cyber security, major events, public venues and aviation. The groundbreaking use of drones as surveillance agents in security management will be discussed in depth and what this trend might mean for you. In the last session of this theme, you will delve into the topic of terrorist financing with our thought leaders and the appropriate Counter-Terrorism Financing strategies.

 11:45am Critical Infrastructure Security Management: Collaboration Between Public & Private Sectors to Improve Safety & Resilience

  • Public/Private Partnership (PPP) in Integrating Public and Private Sector for Public safety
  • Australia Smart Policing System
  • Emergency Response during any Terrorism Incident
 Craig Sheridan
Managing Director
Sheridan Consulting Group
Lunch & Networking
 1:45pm  Aviation Security: Assessing Aviation Security Vulnerabilities, Threats and Countermeasures

  • What is Energy Security
  • The nature of disruption
  • The Vulnerabilities of our energy grid
  • Future Strategy of Resilience
peter-white-112x128  Peter White
General Manager
Australian Office of Transport Security
Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development

Power Utilities and Energy Security: New Entry Points for Terrorist

  • What is Energy Security
  • The nature of disruption
  • The Vulnerabilities of our energy grid
  • Future Strategy of Resilience
neil-greet-112x128 Neil Greet
Collaborative Outcomes
Collborative Outcome Logo
Neil is the owner of the consultancy Collaborative Outcomes which provides strategic advice on resiliency and humanitarian action to Federal and State Government agencies, Industry and non-government organisations. He is the co-author of the Engineers Australia Report “Energy Security for Australia: Crafting a comprehensive energy security policy”. Neil also served in the Australia Defence Force with operational service in Iraq and Timor Leste, led projects in several remote indigenous communities and played a key role in Defence’s response to Victoria’s 2009 ‘Black Saturday’ disaster. Neil is a civil engineer and was the 2015 President of Engineers Australia Canberra Division.

Time of Change in Cyber Defence: The New Paradigm – Moving Target Security

  • Effective tips in preventing cyber intrusion
  • Changing your network to a dynamic system of moving targets
  • Keeping pace with moving target security to secure your network
Nick-Mayencourt-112x128 Nicolas Mayencourt
International CEO
Dreamlab Technologies Group
Nicolas Mayencourt has 20 years of professional experience in Information Technology. He is a Cyber Defence specialist of the 1st generation. As a member of the board of ISECOM he was instrumental in defining todays security standards. Dreamlab Group operates internationally as a think tank, laboratory and network with a focus on cutting-edge network security. The Dreamlab Group includes Cyobs, the world’s first Cyber-Radar System, _cyel, the moving target security pioneer and, Kolab, the world’s only secure communication and groupware. Dreamlab also develops tools for advanced cyber forensics. For 20 years Dreamlab has been securing its customers data and infrastructures and fighting Cyber Crime – worldwide.
Afternoon Refreshment & Networking

Cyber Threat Intelligence in Counter Cyber-Terrorism

  • Cyber Security Challenges in 2017
  • The ever-growing threat landscape
  • Value of migrating towards an intelligence led security proposition

Brian Hay
Lead CISO Advisor – APAC

Brian Hay joined Unisys in 2017 as Lead CISO Advisor APAC, Security. He is responsible for managing and developing Unisys’ Security Consulting business for Asia Pacific, while delivering operational and service excellence. He consults with key clients to understand their business strategies and seeks to assist organisational objectives whilst ensuring the highest levels of security. His broad environmental awareness and thought leadership expertise seeks to understand the client environment in order to align how Unisys can assist in meeting the client’s full spectrum of clients’ security requirements, from governance, risk management, compliance and technical consulting, through to technology integration, training and managed services.

Brian brings a wealth of security experience, and has a proven record of partnering with industry for innovative solutions to difficult problems.

Prior to joining Unisys, Brian was General Manager, Security for Dimension Data, Australia. Prior to this Brian was Detective Superintendent at Queensland Police, where he served 37 years. Since 2004, he has worked extensively in the area of financial, identity and cybercrime. He was Commander of the Queensland Police Fraud & Cyber Crime Group, Chair of the Australia New Zealand Police Advisory Agency’s eCrime Working Group, a pivotal driver of the Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network, and member of the Federal Attorney-General’s National Cybercrime Working Group.

In 2009 Brian was the recipient of an international award from McAfee for efforts in combating cybercrime, and the recipient of the Australian Police Medal, and in 2010 he was the recipient of the National AusCERT Award for Individual Excellence in Information Security. He has a Masters in Public Policy and Administration and former President of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (Brisbane Chapter. Hay is based in Unisys’ Brisbane office.

 4:25pm Live Demonstration: World First Cyber Radar System Cyobs

  • Measures, analyzes and visualizes cyberspace
  • Real results on worlds attack surface
  • SCADA/ ICS systems vulnerabilities discovered
  • Vulnerability patching time-lines
Nick-Mayencourt-112x128 Nicolas Mayencourt
International CEO
Dreamlab Technologies Group
5:10pm Q&A Session & Closing Remark by Conference Chairperson
5:15pm image-3
Champagne Networking Session

Enjoy a glass of champagne whilst networking with other like-minded individuals on topics that are of most interest to you and fellow delegates.

20 April 2017 – Day 2


20 April 2017, Thursday – Day 2 Morning


9:00am Conference Introduction and Day 2 Highlights by Chairperson
chris-howard-112x128 Chris Howard
Director of Defence and National Security
KPMG Australia

Major Events and Public Venues Security Measures: Creating Seamless Security Management

  • “When you have people, you have terrorist threats”: Assessing Public Venues Vulnerabilities
  • Optimising Risk Management Framework to Combat Threat Incidents
  • Developing the Best Contingency Plan for Unexpected Changes
  • Venue & Facilities Protection Operations: Physical Security Consideration in Securing Site Locations
  • Case study : Event Risk Management Plan – Triathlon Race

Luke Schibeci
Manager – Security, Risk and Emergency Management
Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Trust


Luke is currently the Security, Risk and Emergency Management Manager for the Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Trust (The Trust) where he manages two of Sydney’s most iconic sporting venues which are the Sydney Cricket Ground and Allianz Stadium that is located in Moore Park. Prior to this role, Luke has more than twelve years of experience working in the tourism, hospitality, venues and events industry where he focuses on safety, security operations, emergency management, sustainability and compliance. In addition Luke’s experience includes responsibility for risk management frameworks with complex stakeholder relationships including extensive use of contractors and subcontractors in high profile public venues and venues.

9:55am Drone Terrorism – The threat is very real

  • Drones as a weapon of mass destruction
  • Nature and Diversity of Drone capability
  • What can be done to mitigate the treat
ron-bartsch-112x128 Rob Bartsch
Asia-Pacific RPAS Consortium
ARC Logo 2
  Ron Bartsch has over 35 years’ experience in the aviation industry in a variety of senior legal, regulatory, safety and operational roles. Ron is President of the Asia-Pacific RPAS Consortium . As former head of safety and regulatory compliance at Qantas Airways Limited and a senior manager with the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority Ron has been admitted as a barrister in 1993 and has regulatory experience across all sectors of the aviation industry. Ron is also a member of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal as an aviation specialist.
Morning Refreshments & Networking Session
11:00am Crime, Technology & the Future

  • Intelligence in crime, the cause and how technology plays a role in terrorism and Counter-Terrorism
  • Discover the emerging technology such as security robotic, drone technology, 3D printed weapons, hologram and biometric data
  • Insights of the abuse, misuse and re-configuration of technology innovation in the security industry
Chris_Cubbage-112x128 Chris Cubbage
Director & Executive Editor
My Security Media Pty Ltd
Chris Cubbage is a widely published security professional, including co-author of Corporate Security in the Asia Pacific Region, CRC Press and online documentary, 11yrs After 9/11. As an industry commentator Chris is Executive Editor of the Asia Pacific Security Magazine, Australian Security Magazine and other technology channels. He is a contracted security advisor to government agencies, a former homicide detective and a federal commission investigator.
11:45am Counter Terrorism Financing – the Importance of being Innovative

  • An overview of countering the financing of terrorism
  • Financial intelligence in CT investigations and the importance of financial information in preventing terrorism
  • Partnerships and Contributors
  • Case Studies
stephen-dametto-2-112x128 Stephen Dametto
Detective Superintendent
Australia Federal Police

Stephen is a Detective Superintendent with the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and currently responsible for AFP’s Victim Base Crime and Airport investigations in Sydney.

He led the Joint Counter Terrorism Team in Sydney and formed the AFP’s Terrorism Financing Investigations Unit (TFIU). He has extensive experience in counter terrorism and money laundering investigations in Australia and has done secondments to the UK’s Metropolitan Service in their Counter Terrorism Command (SO15) as a member of their Senior Management Team and in the UK’s National Crime Squad’s Money Laundering Investigations Team. He was the Senior Investigating Officer for the AFP in the Malaysian Airlines disaster (MH17) in the Ukraine.

Stephen is a chartered accountant and a qualified lawyer and is currently a PhD candidate in law at the University of NSW.

Lunch & Networking

20 April 2017, Thursday – Day 2 Afternoon


Often operating under the radar, it is often a daunting task for any one party in predicting and pre-empting the next move of terror agents. With seemingly insurmountable odds, the need for co-operation is absolutely essential in safeguarding against the myriad of unpredictable risks.

In the last few sessions of the conference, you will learn more about the strategies coordinating both safety and security in building a safe and secure environment, understand the principles of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPED), and develop a security plan that will enhance your business’ security. In the last session, we will discuss the future of security industry and action plans that both public and private sectors can develop and implement.


Security and Safety – Operating in Harmony to Ensure a Safe and Secure Environment

  • Creating Safe AND Secure Environment – Different Needs, Similar Controls
  • Safety and Security Personnel – Coordinating and Co-operating to Create a Safe and Secure Environment
  • Critical Emergency Response – Working Together to Ensure the Best Outcome

Nicholas Martin
Head of Security, Crisis and Emergency Management
AGL Energy

Heritage logo JPG

Nicholas serves as AGL Energy’s Head of Security, Crisis and Emergency Management nationally. With a career of over 25 years that spans defence, major events, senior corporate positions, and strategic and risk management consulting, Nicholas has held key appointments and roles including the General Manager Security, Strategy at Telstra where he aligned Telstra’s large and diverse regulatory and commercial security services and functions. Other key roles include Head of Global Security, Macquarie Bank, Regional Head of Security and Crisis Consulting at Control Risks Group.

The experience gained while working with Control Risks Group allowed Nicholas to establish his own private security threat and risk consultancy supporting large and complex extractive resource projects complex locations such as Papua New Guinea and Borneo. After 5 years Nicholas decided to return to a corporate role and set about establishing a new business within Johnstaff Projects that focused on the delivery of Australian Government and Non-Government Organisation foreign aid projects in Indo Pacific Region.

2:30pm Crime Prevention through Environmental Design

  • Understand the Perception of Risk to Criminals through Crime Risk Assessment
  • Principles for Minimising Crime Risk
  • Changing the Perception of Risk to Criminals by increasing the Possibility of Detection, Challenge and Capture
  • Increasing the Effort Required to Commit Crimes by increasing the Time, Energy or Resources Expended
mark-carrick-112x128 Mark Carrick
Managing Director
Global Business Resilience
 Global Business Resilience
Afternoon Refreshment & Networking

Creating & Review Security Plans Your Business Should Have

  • Roles for Security and Facility Professionals in Crisis Incidents
  • Three Disciplines for Holistic Security Plan: Physical, Personnel and Information/Cyber
  • Effective Security Guideline for your Security Plan
  • Building a security culture and specific response concepts when dealing with localized emergency scenarios
  • Effective emergency response concepts: Lock-down and Shelter in Place plan
Michael Dalton
Director of Security and Risk
Marriott Hotels

Michael is the current Director of Security and Risk Management of Marriott Hotel who oversees the operations at a cluster of properties including Sydney Harbour Marriott, Pier One Autograph Collection and Melbourne Marriott Hotel. Prior to joining Marriot Group, Michael’s career has over 25 years of experience in security operations within Defence, the resource sector, Australia media and international aid projects throughout the world.

4:15pm Panel Discussion: Addressing the threats and the future of security industry

  • The Nature of Threats in Coming Years
  • Steps that Public Sector Personnel should Adopt in Addressing Future Threats
  • Steps that Private Sector Personnel should Adopt in Addressing Future Threats
  • What are the Issues that Need to be Highlighted from Recent ISIS Propaganda on Terrorist Attack?


chris-howard-112x128 Chris Howard
Director of Defence and National Security
KPMG Australia
Anooshe-112x128 Anooshe Mushtaq
Chair & Founder
The Raqib Taskforce
Anooshe is a first generation Australian of Pakistani origin. She spent her early years in Pakistan and in Libya on posting with her family. Since her arrival in Western Sydney, Anooshe has experienced first-hand the changing cultural landscape of Australia. Based on her own experience, Anooshe offers an insight into how multicultural Australia has changed over the last 30 years and a perspective on the religious and cultural drivers of Muslim radicalisation in Australia.

Anooshe is an accomplished public speaker and writer. She is a regular speaker at national security conferences on the topic of counter terrorism, building social cohesion, social media extremism, Islamic State’s recruitment strategies, countering violent extremism and Muslim youth radicalisation.

Anooshe is Chair and founder of The Raqīb Taskforce. The Raqīb Taskforce is a Muslim-led, diverse organisation that builds social inclusion through engagement across the Australian community in a manner designed to dispel extremist messages that exist within the public domain.

Anooshe’s research is based on Australian Muslim culture, integration of Muslim youth with mainstream Australian society, violent extremist ideology and Australian Government policies to combat violent extremism. She publishes regularly in The Australian, Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, Huffington Post, ABC News, Australian Security Magazine and Security Solution Magazine.

Anooshe is currently studying Masters of Terrorism and Security at Charles Sturt University. She is an Associate Member of the Australian Institute of Professional Intelligence Officers (AIPIO) and a Research Associate at the Australian Security Research Centre (ASRC).

Anooshe is also an advisor to Australian Government, Police, Google, YouTube and a consultant to charities and social welfare organisations working with vulnerable members of the Australian Muslim community.

jacinta_carroll_web-112X128 Jacinta Carroll
Head of Counter-Terrorism Policy Centre
Australia Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI)
Clive-Williams-112x128 Professor Clive Williams MG
The Terrorism Intelligence Centre
The Terrorism Intelligence Centre - Logo

Closing Remarks by Conference Chairman

First Stage of Crisis – Crisis Breakout

Organizations are exposed and vulnerable to crisis. It is unpredictable and damaging if it is not attended to timely. The changing landscape in communication has eliminated the days where organizations could try playing ostrich, burying your heads in the sands and hoping the problems would go away.

When a crisis occurs and one is under pressure to react in a timely fashion, negotiation is of the essence. We would begin our day 1 conference by looking at the crisis communication landscape today and explore if there is possible a one size fits all strategy that could prepare organizations to be on the safe side when crisis breakout.

9:00am Opening Address by Forum Chairman

Keynote Address: The Need for Speed: Crisis Management in the Brave New World of Fake News, Citizen Journalism and Social Media and Shareholder Activism


Jacquelynne Willcox
Managing Director
Powell Tate (Division of Weber Shandwick)

Jacquelynne Willcox leads Australia’s multi award winning Corporate & Public Affairs firm, Powell Tate (a division of Weber Shandwick). Jacquelynne has considerable experience in the management of complex policy reform, influencing legislation, government relations, corporate profiling, litigation communications and crisis and issues management.

Jacquelynne is Deputy Chair of the board of Australia’s leading think tank, The Sydney Institute and is a trustee of CEDA, the Committee for Economic Development of Australia. Jacquelynne is a former television, radio and newspaper journalist. She has produced and directed television documentaries and is the author of two successful books.

Jacquelynne led the award-winning crisis and recovery campaign for Danone Nutricia during the Fonterra botulism scare (which was a multi market recall), and the subsequent and unrelated threat to poison all infant formula.

Powell tate

Crisis, Communication, and the Attention Economy

Crisis communication, and the closely related discipline of issues communication, are more important today than ever for organizations and businesses. In order to develop a better contemporary understanding of crisis communication, it’s important to grasp how crisis communication is situated within and shaped by the larger context of today’s digital media landscape.

Our modern media landscape is characterized by the mainstreaming of the Internet and social media, the ripple effects of new and often disruptive technologies, and the massive tectonic impact of the digital economy for the business sector. New technologies have changed how organizations communicate with stakeholders and how people communicate with one another.

The idea of an ‘attention economy’ is now an influential lens which is being used to study the contemporary media landscape – we live in an era of informational abundance, and attention is a scarce commodity that is being sought after. This results in new possibilities for action, and also new pitfalls for communication.

What insights for crisis communication can we gain from looking at today’s digital media landscape in terms of an ‘attention economy’? In seeking best practice, we can address topics such as viral messaging, the vexed question of the relationship between social media and reputational capital, and how the Internet acts as an accelerator and/or trigger for crisis.

Collin-Chua-112x128 Dr. Collin Chua
School of the Arts and Media, University of New South Wales

Dr Collin Chua is the Program Convenor for the Master of PR & Advertising and the Master of Journalism & Communications at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. His research addresses questions about the role of the media in producing value, desire and sociality, in an era increasingly driven by connectivity and the digital economy. One of the specialist courses he teaches at UNSW is on the topic of Issues & Crisis Communications.

10:40am Morning Refreshments

First Stage of Crisis – Crisis Breakout

The first 24 hours of crisis breakdown are often regards as the most crucial stage of the crises as it would be the first indicator on whether the crises would remain under control or erupt into a full blown crises that not only damage your organization reputation, but the bottom line too.

While organizations need to buy time to understand and gather the information required to develop a credible and sensible key messages to stakeholders involve, it is crucial for the organizations to release a holding statement that is designed to be used instantly after a crisis emerged.

The following sessions would explore the importance of factual information in holding statement and key messages development. We would explore on how to shape the key messages development that attributed to all stakeholders and media.

Image and Reputation – Managing Your Reputation in the Court of Public Scrutiny

  • Value of Image: Protecting your branding and image during crisis breakout
  • The Angry Public: Addressing and assuring the general public to maintain your company’s image
Stuart-Rintoul-112x128 Stuart Rintoul
Senior Media Officer (Emergencies)
World Vision Australia

Stuart is a writer and journalist for 30 years, including two decades with Australia’s national newspaper The Australian and leading magazines including Good Weekend, published by the (rival) Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. Stuart is now working with humanitarian agency World Vision Australia and has high level connections across politics as well as deep roots in indigenous communities across Australia.

  • Author of The Wailing – a National Black Oral History (William Heinemann), recommended by Aboriginal leader Patrick Dodson for inclusion in the Library of Alexandria
  • Author of Ashes of Vietnam – Australian Voices (William Heinemann and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation), the first oral history of Australians in the Vietnam War

Also published in:

  • The Best Australian Essays (Craven, Black Inc);
  • The Best Ever Australian Sports Writing – A 200 Year Collection (Headon, Black Inc);
  • The Best Australian Sports Writing (Hutchinson, Black Inc;
  • Encyclopaedia Britannica
  • The Saturday Paper

Case Study: Calling Your Lawyer in Crisis Communication to Protect Your Corporate Image and Reputation

  • Examples of Different Crises and What They have in Common
  • Talking to Your Stakeholders – The Media, Regulators and Public
  • The Consistency of Your Information to Prepare for Media and Litigation Calling
Neil-Wallman-112x128 Neil Wallman
Special Counsel
HWL Ebsworth

Neil is a special Counsel in HWL Ebsworth’s national Litigation Group. Working on a variety of litigious matters, he specializes in resolving disputes where there is potential for significant financial and reputational loss for clients in the media, health, FMCG and transportation industries. His technical experience spans commercial litigation, equity, defamation & media disputes and trade mark and copyright infringements.

Neil also has extensive experience in acting for clients seeking to obtain urgent injunctive relief in the Supreme Court and Federal Court to either avoid or minimize reputational and financial harm from occurring or to prevent the distribution of unlawfully obtained assets.

12:45pm Networking Luncheon
First Stage of Crisis – Communicating in Crisis Communication

Understanding the media and their agenda formed an integral parts of crisis communication. An organization need to have the ability to communicate with clarity in crisis communication as once story is told, it is impossible to take it back. Stakeholders are capable to misinterpret information about your organization based on the media. Thus, it is the organizations’ responsibilities to minimize the incident from happening.

The optimal way to react appropriately is to ensure that your spokeperson is capable in dealing media interview when the emotion and stress are running at its peak. The following sessions seek to understanding the shift in media reporting from a media’s perspective and how could organizations avoid creating an information vacuum by not communicating with media when crises breaks and intensified.


Keynote Address: Looking Though Another Lens: How would the Media View & Publicize You During a Crisis

  • Understanding the Media’s Agenda today – What is the Key Message?
  • The Press Today: The Paradigm Shift in How Journalist is Interviewing and Reporting News
  • Understanding how the media works: Insights from Recent Major Incidents
Peter-Roberts_2-112x128 Peter Roberts
Managing Director
Corporation Reputation Practice

A corporate reputation specialist of nearly 20 years, Peter has worked with a string of internationally revered brands across all sectors, including financial services, energy, healthcare, transport and technology. Peter affords clients a wealth of corporate communication know-how and experience from his board-level roles at the BBC and a number of globally recognized consultancies, in Australia and the UK.Starting his career at the BBC, where he was appointed the Head of Communications for the corporation’s hugely respected News Division, Peter learnt the craft of developing effective integrated communications strategies, while handling a range of reputational issues and managing a growing team of publicists.Peter left the BBC after he was asked to join multinational agency, Hill & Knowlton Strategies as a Senior Director. His time there was spent working closely with a range of illustrious businesses, including Visa, P&G, GE and Intel.Peter was invited to run the Reputation Practice at the Bell Pottinger communications agency three years later, where he generated two years of solid growth, and was involved in a spate of high-profile crises, including significant litigation cases, major product recalls and aviation accidents.Peter moved to Australia with his family and was quickly appointed the Head of Practice for the Corporate Communications practice at Weber Shandwick, supporting the likes of ANZ, MasterCard and Nespresso, before launching the Corporate Reputation Practice.Peter also tutors students at the University of New South Wales, and University of Western Sydney. Furthermore, he is also a seasoned media and presentation trainer, having trained senior executives from the likes of Barclays, Intel, GE and Emirates. Peter has spoken publicly on a variety of topics and written articles on numerous aspects of reputation management.


Communication Channel Strategy During Crises

  • Who is the audience in a crisis?
  • Which channels should be prioritized in a crisis?
  • What do we do when the lights go out (or: what if there’s no Internet anymore)?

Grant Smith
Head of Corporate Communication
Melbourne Airport

For more than a decade Grant has led crisis communication programs around the world, working on projects including Australia’s largest ever pharmaceutical class action, workplace incidents resulting in major fatalities, and one of the world’s first truly global social media crises.

As the Head of Corporate Communications for Australia’s second-largest airport, Grant has a hands-on role in crisis and risk communication every single day. He is responsible for all external communication for the airport, and is frequently a spokesperson for issues of public interest.

Grant’s career includes roles in both in-house and consultancy environments, and he has worked on the ground in markets as diverse as Japan, India, Hungary, Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

Prior to joining Melbourne Airport, Grant was the Global Manager for Media and Communications at the Global Carbon Capture & Storage Institute, where he developed the global communications framework to support the Institute’s mission to accelerate deployment of carbon emissions reduction technology.

He is a previous General Manager of Edelman Public Relations in Melbourne, Chair of Edelman’s South-East Asia Crisis Practice, and Associate Director of H+K Strategies London. He remains a Director of Grant Smith Communications.

3:15pm Digital Crisis And The Rise Of Lone Wolf Attacks – A Personal Insight

Cyberspace is now officially a war zone, and Islamic State (IS) has the capability to dominate the virtual front line. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of IS, has it all figured out. His slick social media campaign has put the terrorist group out in front in this critical future battleground. Social media and technology have blurred geographical boundaries and allow communication with a global reach in real-time. In this new age, Australia’s geographic isolation from the rest of the world gives us no protection from messages being spread by the international Islamic militant groups. Extremists use these new communication tools to reach into the homes of Australians.

Anooshe-112x128 Anooshe Mushtaq
Chair & Founder
Raqib Taskforce

Anooshe is a first generation Australian of Pakistani origin. She spent her early years in Pakistan and in Libya on posting with her family. Since her arrival in Western Sydney, Anooshe has experienced first-hand the changing cultural landscape of Australia. Based on her own experience, Anooshe offers an insight into how multicultural Australia has changed over the last 30 years and a perspective on the religious and cultural drivers of Muslim radicalization in Australia.

Anooshe is an accomplished public speaker and writer. She is a regular speaker at national security conferences on the topic of counter terrorism, building social cohesion, social media extremism, Islamic State’s recruitment strategies, countering violent extremism and Muslim youth radicalization.

Anooshe is Chair and founder of The Raqib Taskforce. The Raqib Taskforce is a Muslim-led, diverse organization that builds social inclusion through engagement across the Australian community in a manner designed to dispel extremist messages that exist within the public domain.

Anooshe’s research is based on Australian Muslim culture, integration of Muslim youth with mainstream Australian society, violent extremist ideology and Australian Government policies to combat violent extremism. She publishes regularly in The Australian, Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, Huffington Post, ABC News, Australian Security Magazine and Security Solution Magazine.

Anooshe is currently studying Masters of Terrorism and Security at Charles Sturt University. She is an Associate Member of the Australian Institute of Professional Intelligence Officers (AIPIO) and a Research Associate at the Australian Security Research Centre (ASRC).

Anooshe is also an advisor to Australian Government, Police, Google, YouTube and a consultant to charities and social welfare organizations working with vulnerable members of the Australian Muslim community.

3:35pm Afternoon Refreshment & Networking Session

Fireside Chat: My Life in Crisis: Lessons Learned over 25 years in Global Crisis Management

Alistair Nicholas has more than 25 years of experience managing major corporate crises in countries as culturally diverse as China and Australia. For example, he has managed crises that have included worksite deaths, sexual harassment and sexual assault in the workplace, product liability, product contamination, serious counterfeiting, corporate fraud and corporate extortion, investigations by police, the Independent Commission Against Corruption, and parliamentary and government inquiries. He has developed communications strategies and messaging, and has even acted as official media spokesperson for clients in these situations. Alistair will share his experiences and lessons learned during this interactive session.


Alistair J. Nicholas
Executive Vice President – Director, Special Projects
Powell Tate

Alistair J. Nicholas is Executive Vice President – Director, Special Projects at Powell Tate Australia. He has considerable crisis management experience covering Australia, the United States and China. Alistair’s career of more than 30 years includes senior positions in public affairs agency and in-house roles, in political advice, in government and diplomacy, and in journalism.

In his current role he advises corporations on issues and crisis management, corporate and public affairs, and government relations.

From 2000 until 2013 Alistair was based in Beijing, China, where he provided strategic advice to a range of companies including many Global Fortune 500 companies, and to the Chinese government and foreign government embassies and agencies on a range of public affairs, government relations and crisis management issues.

Before moving to China, Alistair was the Trade Commissioner at the Australian Embassy in Washington, DC, where he was responsible for promoting Australian business and trade interests to the World Bank and United Nations.

Earlier in his career Alistair worked as international trade policy and media advisor to Australia’s Federal Coalition. He has also been a research analyst at Australia’s leading free market think tank, the Centre for Independent Studies, and a journalist for The Australian, Pacific Defence Reporter and The Optimist.

Alistair currently acts as Honorary Media Counsel for the Australia-China Chamber of Commerce; he is a member of the Agriculture Committee of the Australia-China Business Council; and, he is a member of the private sector advisory board to Macquarie University’s China Business Research Network. He is a widely quoted media commentator on China business issues and he has written opinion articles for The Australian and The Australian Financial Review as well as regional publications.

Alistair holds a B.A. (Hons.) in Political Science from University of New South Wales and a Certificate in Executive Leadership from Cornell University.

Powell tate

Panel Discussion : The Role of Communication Going Forward

  • The Role of Communication in the Next Decade
  • Crisis Management in Australia and the Challenges Faced
  • How PR / Communicators are going to add value to company in the realm of Crisis Management and Brand Reputation


Catherine Ellis, Director, Media and Corporate Communications, Corporate Affairs, NSW Department of Finance, Services and Innovation

Luke Enright, Head of Corporate Communications, Jetstar Airways

Stuart Rintoul, Senior Media Officer (Emergencies), World Vision Australia



5:00pm End of Day 1
5:10pm image-3
Champagne Networking Session

Enjoy a glass of champagne whilst networking with other like-minded individuals on topics that are of most interest to you and fellow delegates.

Social Media and Crisis Communication

As reported in the The New York Times, “anger is the emotions that spread most easily over social media” . With 28% of the world’s populations are actively in social media platform and have internet access over mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets, This statement essentially means that “citizen journalism” is a phenomena where no organizations could afford as a small crisis might be erupted into an uncontrollable events in social media if it is not handle appropriately,

The first two sessions of Day 2 seek to understand how social media has vastly complicated the challenges faced by the organizations in the aftermath of a crisis, shedding lights on how to establish a scalable social media strategy. As a result, delegates will gain the know-how and best practices to communicate with public in social media to provide the most updated and accurate message to avoid public outrage. Last but not least, delegates will gain an understanding of the framework on how to integrate effective social media communication strategy across the organization.

9:00am Opening Address by Forum Chairman  

FACEBOOK Presentation: This session will look at the latest tools and insights from Facebook that can be used to assist communities in a disaster, as well as some trends and best practice tips on how emergency responders can best leverage Facebook

Mia-Garlick-112x128 Mia Garlick
Director of Policy Australia and New Zealand

Mia manages policy for Facebook in Australia and New Zealand and works with government, child safety and other stakeholders to promote greater awareness about Facebook’s policies and products.

Prior to joining Facebook, Mia was the Assistant Secretary for Digital Economy and Convergence Strategy at the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy during which time she served on the Government 2.0 Taskforce, which advised the Government on how best to engage on social media and adopt a more open data policy. Mia joined the Department after working in Silicon Valley as the Product Counsel for YouTube and, prior to this, the General Counsel for the non-profit Creative Commons. She has a Bachelor of Arts and Law from the University of New South Wales and a Masters of Law from Stanford University.

9:55am Why Social Media is the Most Powerful Crisis Communication Tools in the 21st Century?

  • How social media behaves in a crisis?
  • The Constant – What Social Media Does Not Change in Crisis Communication Landscape?
  • Success Leaves Traits: Best Practices of the Social Media Crisis Communication
Jamie-Wilkinson-112x128 Jamie Wilkinson
Director, Design and Digital
Cannings Purple

Jamie is a social media strategist and digital media manager with more than 15 years’ experience. He has created social media engagement strategies for ASX-listed companies and junior mining firms, and runs one of Western Australia’s first boardroom-level social media training seminars. He has presented to the AICD on governance and social media issues, and lectures on digital and social crisis response.Jamie is a super-user of key social media listening tools like Hootsuite, Radian 6 and NUVI. His experience in social media monitoring and engagement spans a range of high-profile campaigns, including the highly regarded, multi-award-winning #heartofgold campaign on behalf of the gold mining industry in Western Australia. He has advised and trained organizations in traditional and social media policy including the Western Australian Government’s land and property development agency LandCorp, BHP Billiton Petroleum and one of the biggest consumer brands in Australia, Thermomix.Jamie is regularly published in regarding social media best practice and digital trends and is a founding member of the Social Media Society.”

Cannings Purple Logo_Very High Res
10:40am Morning Refreshments & Networking Session

Reputation and Image Restored

Image and Reputations is how stakeholders perceived an organization. Image and reputation are generally regards as a valuable and intangible asset that organization strive to and worth protecting. The increase in attributions of an organization for a crisis would likely increase the likelihood of negative-word-of-mouth and undoubtedly counter -productive to an organization.

These sessions seek to overcome the increasing challenges in dealing with the volume and complexity of the public scrutinization in organizations when the crises erupted. It would also look into how could organization minimize the litigation impact in the course of workplace crisis. Through panel discussion, we will also be exploring the questions on the various roles of stakeholders  in different stages of crisis. Last but not least, we would also look into how all parties could collaborate in building a resilient risk management plan.

11:00am Crises Are Bad? – Impactful Crisis Communication in Emergency Risk

  • While it’s normal to feel a crisis is nothing but negative, there are opportunities in every negative situation. It’s about understanding crisis archetypes
  • In the United Airlines and the Dave Carroll “United breaks Guitars” fiasco, Taylor Guitars maximized the situation. How appropriate was their response?
  • Newsjacking happens daily – how appropriate, how relevant is this in a crisis?
Jane-Jordan-112x128 Jane Jordan
Founder and Managing Director
Gaia Coaching Group

Founder and Managing Director of Gaia Coaching Group – a boutique communication management training and advisory firm – Jane is an international coach and adviser to executive management with a focus on strategic communication, reputation and risk mitigation. As a professional “devils’ advocate,” she takes a broader focus than say a legal and accounting adviser might.

A leader in the field of crisis media management, Jane has been at the forefront of crisis media training since the early nineties, when she co-founded the Australian-based Media Skills, which became the highly respected learning and development consultancy, The Jordan Templeman Group (The JT Group).

Her crisis experience spans twenty years and includes auditing crisis communication, facilitating desk top exercises and crisis communication planning and coaching. She has been an adviser in numerous high-level crises in corporate Australia and North America. A strong strategist, Jane excels in high-stakes situations and has used her skills and experience to masterfully coach high-level clients in high-risk situations.

A former journalist with Australian Consolidated Press, Jane has vast and diverse media experience with both in-house communication roles and as a public relations consultant. Many of the programs she designed and implemented for her clients won prestigious awards from her peers in the public relations and communication industry.

Jane has a Masters in Communication Management from the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), a Train the Trainer certificate from Macquarie University (Sydney) and has taught Organizational Communication at the leading Australian communication school, Charles Sturt University plus Strategic Communication at Masters level at UTS.

She is a frequent guest lecturer and speaker at conferences, workshops and seminars in Australia, New Zealand and North America. Her book, The Four Highly Effective Stages of Crisis Management: How to Manage the Media in the Digital Age was released to critical acclaim in May, 2011.

11:45am Panel Discussion: Understanding the Value of Social Media is Crisis

  • What are the value of Social Media’s in Crisis and how could organizations derive value from it?
  • What is Ethical Social Media Engagement in a Time of Crisis
  • Corporate Social Media Spokesperson: The Best Person to Speak on behalf of the organization in times of crisis?


Jamie Wilkinson, Director, Design and Digital, Cannings Purple

Julie Delaforce, General Manager of Online Community and Social Media Management Leader, Quiip

Jane Jordan, Founder and Managing Director, Gaia Coaching Group

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12:45pm Networking Luncheon

Pre Crisis Management – Anticipating Crisis

Pre Crisis Management generates returns. If an organization is being proactive and preparing for all the potential crises that could occur in the organization, there are apparent benefits that would follow through the preparations.  First of all, organization may finds that some crisis are preventable by simply activating the initial crisis management plan in place. Secondly, organization could have prepared the stakeholders with all the possible responses, the best and worst case scenario and ultimately enhance the stress limit that the organization could undertake in a crisis.

The following sessions explore the importance of a pre-crisis crisis management plan in developing organization’s capacity in dealing with crisis, coupled with the live simulation on safety measures in time of attack and crisis. Delegates will be able to learn the latest development and framework in developing an early warning systems and integrated crisis response team to mitigate the potential risks that might arise before, during and after a crisis.  Last but not least, hear thought provoking presentations on how a comprehensible pre crisis management plan could increase your ROI.


Issues & Crisis Management – Glimpse from the Public Sector

  • Integrating risk planning into communications
  • Issues management & government service delivery
  • Taking the sting out of it – tactical decisions on sharing information with stakeholders
Catherine-Ellis-112x128 Catherine Ellis
Director, Media and Corporate Communications, Corporate Affairs
NSW Department of Finance, Services and Innovation

Catherine is Director of Media and Corporate Communications for the NSW Department of Finance, Services and Innovation. Her team covers media relations, public affairs, content creation, internal and corporate communications for a diverse range of agencies, including ICT and Digital Government, NSW Fair Trading, SafeWork, Office of State Revenue and NSW Procurement.

Catherine’s experience in corporate affairs spans state and federal government and the corporate and consulting sectors. Previously, she led award winning work, partnering with a range of clients dealing with regulatory, stakeholder and reputation challenges whilst at Ogilvy PR’s specialist public affairs consultancy. She has also worked at the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet and as a Commonwealth ministerial adviser.

Catherine holds a Master of Arts (Global Media & Communications) from The University of Melbourne.


Preparing for Crisis – Enhancing business resilience through crisis preparation?

  • Crisis can occur due to an emergency being managed badly, or the company being out of step with community expectations
  • Resilience plan through considering the worst case scenarios when considering a business’s requirements to continue delivering its service or product in a way society trusts. Select the most significant crisis situations to be prepared for in terms of emergency response and communication
  • Crisis preparation includes rehearsal with multi-functional agreement about the outrage-mitigating positioning, posture and key messages as well as ongoing responsiveness
Katherine-Teh-112x128 Katherine Teh White
Founder and Managing Director

Katherine Teh-White, founder and managing director of Futureye, is a leading expert on social licence to operate, sustainable development, and project approvals. Through her 25 years experience in corporations and as a consultant she has developed unique experience in transforming organizations to be more proactive. She has successfully created social license for projects including dealing with activism and complex issues such as agriculture, climate change, mining and construction. She is a former journalist and government relations/ public policy manager in a resources company.

3:15pm Afternoon Refreshment

Post Crisis Management

Crisis management includes having a comprehensive Crisis Management Plan and strong leadership in order to execute the plan with swiftness and decisiveness. Leadership in times of crisis is vastly different from leadership  under normal circumstances. In times of crisis, leaders will be under pressure on all fronts, having to deal with various factors such as time, stakeholders implicated, communication, media and so on.

Thus, identifying the right leader in such situations is of utmost importance. The leader must have the expertise in handling such situations and have the composure to remain calm and in control. Last but not least, the final session would explore the need of having a rapid response crisis management plan that would allow the organization to be crisis ready at all time.


Demonstrating Leadership in Crisis Management

  • How to Identify the Right Spoke person – Control and Public Assurance in Crisis Communication
  • Guide to demonstrating Strong Organization Control and Expertise in time of Crises
  • Leadership in Engaging Internal and External Stakeholders in Crisis Management
mark-morrow-112x128 Mark Morrow
Acting Deputy Commissioner
NSW State Emergency Services

Mark was appointed a Constable of the NSW Police Force in July, 1986 and served as a Police Officer for just under 17 years. Mark commenced as the Assistant Manager Operations with the New South Wales State Emergency Service in January, 2006. He was appointed as the Director Special Operations, Assistant Commissioner with the NSW State Emergency Service on 1 September, 2010.

Throughout his period as a Senior Executive within the NSW SES Mark has fulfilled the position of Deputy Commissioner for some 3 years. This coincided with a period of significant review of the organization by a number of bodies including the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), NSW Public Service Commission and the Office of the Ombudsman.

Mark has significant experience as a Level 3 incident controller throughout various major state-wide operational events including the substantial flooding events throughout the 2011-12 financial years and the significant storms and floods which occurred in the Hunter Region of NSW throughout early 2015 along with every other major operational response by the NSW State Emergency Service over the past 10 years.

4:10pm Plan for the Worst  and Hope for the Best  – Preparing A Rapid Response Program for the Stormy Weather

  • Framework of a Comprehensive Crisis Management Plan
  • How to Develop and manage an integrated crisis response team
  • Lightning Does Strike Twice: Review and Feedback, Lay the Groundwork for the next hit
Andrew-Gissing_2-112x128 Andrew Gissing
Director Government Business and Enterprise Risk Management
Risk Frontier

Andrew Gissing is the Risk Frontiers Director Government Business and Enterprise Risk Management. Andrew has over 15 years emergency management experience, including in executive management positions.  He previously held the position of Deputy Chief Officer / Director Emergency Management and Communication with the Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) for four years. Before joining Risk Frontiers he was the Director Enterprise Risk Management at the Department of Family and Community Services.

At Risk Frontiers, Andrew has led engagements to assist Government agencies to better understand management practices in relation to catastrophic disasters, review disaster management plans, develop emergency risk management frameworks and improve community engagement practices.

Andrew holds Masters (Hons) of Science and Bachelors of Economics degrees, and is the author of some thirty journal and conference papers.


End of Day 2

2017 Safety, Security and Counter-Terrorism Forum Workshops

9:00am – 12:30pm

Post-Forum Workshop A:

Risk Management in Counter-Terrorism

 The risk of terrorism is growing across businesses and industries. It is crucial for organizations to know how to identify their security risk by utilizing effective risk assessment to be adequately prepared for crisis situation. This workshop will help you to:

  • Threat – the nature and causes of violent extremism internationally and domestically
  • Intent, capability, vulnerabilities – how these variables are playing out internationally and domestically
  • Risk management implications – scope and nature of prevention and response measures, with a focus on social inclusion given the clearly understood causal factors around isolation and radicalisation
  • Lessons
Anooshe-112x128 Anooshe Mushtaq
Chair & Founder
Raqib Taskforce
Anooshe is a first generation Australian of Pakistani origin. She spent her early years in Pakistan and in Libya on posting with her family. Since her arrival in Western Sydney, Anooshe has experienced first-hand the changing cultural landscape of Australia. Based on her own experience, Anooshe offers an insight into how multicultural Australia has changed over the last 30 years and a perspective on the religious and cultural drivers of Muslim radicalisation in Australia.

Anooshe is an accomplished public speaker and writer. She is a regular speaker at national security conferences on the topic of counter terrorism, building social cohesion, social media extremism, Islamic State’s recruitment strategies, countering violent extremism and Muslim youth radicalisation.

Anooshe is Chair and founder of The Raqīb Taskforce. The Raqīb Taskforce is a Muslim-led, diverse organisation that builds social inclusion through engagement across the Australian community in a manner designed to dispel extremist messages that exist within the public domain.

Anooshe’s research is based on Australian Muslim culture, integration of Muslim youth with mainstream Australian society, violent extremist ideology and Australian Government policies to combat violent extremism. She publishes regularly in The Australian, Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, Huffington Post, ABC News, Australian Security Magazine and Security Solution Magazine.

Anooshe is currently studying Masters of Terrorism and Security at Charles Sturt University. She is an Associate Member of the Australian Institute of Professional Intelligence Officers (AIPIO) and a Research Associate at the Australian Security Research Centre (ASRC).

Anooshe is also an advisor to Australian Government, Police, Google, YouTube and a consultant to charities and social welfare organisations working with vulnerable members of the Australian Muslim community.

matthew-curtis-112x128 Matthew Curtis
Raqib Taskforce

Matthew is a Director of the Raqīb Taskforce and Principal of Curtis Incorporated. He has served, led and consulted in some of the most sensitive domains in diplomacy and national security. Following 20 years in the Australian Foreign Service in a range of onshore and offshore operational and management roles, for the past 15 years he has consulted in strategic and national security, emergency management and business continuity. With leadership, management and operational experience across diplomacy, policy development and implementation, legal and litigation matters, industry regulation and negotiation, Matthew has directed and undertaken a wide range of complex consulting engagements in the public and corporate sectors, including:

  • National security review – national counter-terrorism arrangements, critical infrastructure security, transport security and national security decision support
  • Enterprise security governance and risk management
  • Jurisdiction-level emergency management arrangements
  • Business continuity
  • Intelligence capability and capacity building.

Matthew has undertaken a range of major infrastructure security projects in the United Arab Emirates and worked and travelled extensively within the Asia Pacific region.

1:30pm – 5:00pm

Post-Forum Workshop B:

Design, Implement and Assess Effective Crisis Management Plan

Crisis management is a core leadership skill for professionals that requires a practical approach and insightful exchange of experience. A crisis always brings disruption that could significantly affect professional activities in protecting their employees, assets or mandates. This workshop is specifically designed to help you to:

Key Takeaways:

  • Develop a Comprehensive Process in Designing, Implementing and Assess Effective Crisis Management Plan
  • Discover Tools and Skills that Assist you in Managing Crises
  • Establish your Crisis Management Team
  • Effective Crisis Communication as key to Crisis Management Plan


Eddie Idik
Vital Risk Services

Highly regarded as a specialist within the Convention, Exhibition and Live event sectors, Eddie has been involved in the Security, Medical and Emergency planning to some of the largest conferences and events within Australia such APEC, World Youth Day and SIBOS to name a few. Trusted by leading executives of high profile organisations, Eddie ensures that Crisis Management Teams including those responsible for Public Relations response have the necessary skills to prepare, respond and recover from a crisis event.

Eddie has over 15 years’ experience in developing Security and Emergency/Crisis Management frameworks for multi-national companies and is an alumni of Swinburne University of Technology with postgraduate qualifications in Emergency and Disaster Management.

Eddie is the Director of Vital Risk Services Group who provide an integrated service of Security professionals, Emergency Management Consultants and First Aid Services to major venues and events. Eddie is also a committee member of ASIS International, a member of the Venue Management Association and a certified Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) through the Australasian Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians.

International Crisis and Emergency Risk Communications Forum Workshops

9:00am – 12:30pm

Post-Forum Workshop A:

Using Social Media To Improve Crisis Communications: Developing an Effective Engagement Plan and Messages

The proliferation of social media has changed crisis communication silos completely, stakeholders in crisis communication are ever interconnected than before through social media. The emergence of the new communication channels represent both opportunities and risks towards organizations. It helps to promote transparency and prevent communication breakdowns but could also be the root of how crises emerge.

How social media could be used effectively in crisis communication highly depends on the strategy an organization’s have in place.  The workshop is designed to guide participants on how to leverage on social media and new technology to communicate with stakeholders during each crisis stage and avoid the potential social blunders one may make in the social media platform.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand how to incorporate social media as part of your crisis management plan to avoid backfire in social media communication
  • Understand the characteristics of social media platform to identify the best fit for your organization’s crisis communication channel
  • Create a scalable  social media strategy that could be widely adopted by organizations and crisis management team in different stages of crisis.
Mark-Carrick-112x128 Mark Carrick
Managing Director
Global Business Resilience

Mark Carrick is one of Australia’s most experienced counter-terrorism practitioners. He offers more than 20 years of law enforcement experience that includes crisis management and response, general policing, witness protection, close personal protection, crime management, change management, and ultimately counter-terrorism intelligence.Mark delivers business resilience across organizations, leading multidisciplinary teams to deliver integrated crisis management, contingency planning, and business continuity. By combining the attributes acquired from years of countering terror, managing multiple, complex crisis situations, and practicing as a business consultant, he brings a unique skill set to the business world. The ability to apply the rigor of systematic, intelligence-led methodologies to contemporary business practices places Mark as a unique individual with a proven record for achieving excellent results in high-pressure environments where the consequences of failure can be catastrophic.

Mark Carrick has a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Sydney and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), which has a diverse membership of directors and senior leaders from across a wide range of industries in the commercial, private, nonprofit, and government sectors. He currently writes thought leadership articles for the ACID Center of Excellence and co-developed the new Crisis Management Course for board members, he also delivers Courses and webinars designed to prepare large organizations to respond to crisis situations across the broad spectrum of Crisis planning, preparing responding and recovery, including Crisis communications and utilizing social media for west effect.

Global Business Resilience
1:30pm – 5:00pm

Post-Forum Workshop B:

Dealing with the Media During a Crisis – Handling Interviews, Negative Publicity and Difficult Situations

Communicating effectively and precisely are often the biggest challenges faced by a media spokeperson, especially in time of crises.  With the shift in the media agenda today, it is crucial for the crisis management team to redefine media relations and what the journalist would really need in their interview to avoid being negatively publicized by the press during a crisis.

This workshop is designed to equip participants with the insights and practical  tools and techniques on how to continuously engage with the media, maintain organization’s image and integrity regardless of whether the situation is good, bad or otherwise.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the media agenda and reporting style today to ensure the key message was communicate across without fail
  • Simulation on how to handle difficult interview questions in time of crises and under pressure
  • Get real life experience on how a good media communication makes a different in organization’s crises
  • Tools and techniques in controlling the Q&A session in an interview


Mark Carrick
Managing Director
Global Business Resilience

Mark Carrick is one of Australia’s most experienced counter-terrorism practitioners. He offers more than 20 years of law enforcement experience that includes crisis management and response, general policing, witness protection, close personal protection, crime management, change management, and ultimately counter-terrorism intelligence.Mark delivers business resilience across organizations, leading multidisciplinary teams to deliver integrated crisis management, contingency planning, and business continuity. By combining the attributes acquired from years of countering terror, managing multiple, complex crisis situations, and practicing as a business consultant, he brings a unique skill set to the business world. The ability to apply the rigor of systematic, intelligence-led methodologies to contemporary business practices places Mark as a unique individual with a proven record for achieving excellent results in high-pressure environments where the consequences of failure can be catastrophic.

Mark Carrick has a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Sydney and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), which has a diverse membership of directors and senior leaders from across a wide range of industries in the commercial, private, nonprofit, and government sectors. He currently writes thought leadership articles for the ACID Center of Excellence and co-developed the new Crisis Management Course for board members, he also delivers Courses and webinars designed to prepare large organizations to respond to crisis situations across the broad spectrum of Crisis planning, preparing responding and recovery, including Crisis communications and utilizing social media for west effect.

Global Business Resilience