Forum Highlights

Why Join This Forum

10 Compelling Reasons to Join Us This October at the Disruptive Innovation Forum

  1. Discover futuristic applications of disruptive innovations and what they mean to your organisation and customers to get your business future-ready
  2. Grasp a 360 degree overview on the latest disruptive innovation across all industries including artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles and blockchain
  3. Develop the capabilities to build successful structures and culture for organisational innovation and transformation
  4. Gather firsthand information on the government support, policies and regulations and their impact on disrupted industries
  5. Study the use cases of established market leaders that have multiplied growth and remained ahead of the game with innovation and transformation
  6. Analyse how the development of controversial disruptive innovations like artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles will impact employment, the economy and society at large
  7. Navigate through the new ecosystems and examine the implications they have on your business environments
  8. Explore the future of jobs and the value that humans bring to the workplace in this amazing race between humans and robots
  9. Engage with innovators, influencers and leaders across all industries to explore potential cross-sector collaborations
  10. Explore the opportunities and analyse the potential risks and pitfalls of integrating innovation and emerging technologies into your existing business models

Hot Topics to be Discussed

DAY 1: Wednesday 18 October 2017

  • Australia 2030 – Leading Australia into a Top Tier Innovation Nation
  • Future Medicine Innovation: Precision Medicine and Genomics Editing (CRISPR)
  • Disruptive Manufacturing: The Effects of 3-D Printing & Additive Manufacturing
  • Panel Discussion: Will Artificial Intelligence replace humans? When Artificial Intelligence becomes smarter than humans
  • Translating Disruptive Innovations to Tangible Business Models

DAY 2: Thursday 19 October 2017

  • Arrival of Industry 4.0
  • Will Quantum Computing Be Disruptive?
  • Case Study: MasterCard – Future of Payments
  • Panel Discussion: Future of Energy: Innovation and Disruption with Microgrids
  • Disruptive Innovation with Energy Storage and Batteries
  • Case Study: Flying Cars – Drones in Disguise?

Post-Conference Workshop and Site Visit: Friday 20 October 2017

  • Workshop A: Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market, Cultural and Organizational Change
  • Talk: Robotics and Intelligent Systems: Revolutionizing Industries
  • Site Visit: Australian Centre for Field Robotics, University of Sydney

Companies Expected at the Forum

  • ABB Australia
  • AgriDigital
  • AIA Australia
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Australia Post
  • Australian Driverless Vehicle Initiative (ADVI)
  • Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC)
  • Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)
  • Australian Farm Institute
  • Australian Securities Exchange
  • Austroads
  • Deakin University
  • Energy Australia
  • Flinders University
  • Garvan Institute of Medical Research
  • HCF Australia
  • Healthdirect Australia
  • IBM Cognitive Australia
  • ITS Australia
  • Juwi Renewable Energy
  • Microsoft Australia
  • Ministry of Environment and Energy
  • National Australian Bank
  • National Transport Commission
  • Nokia Australia
  • Office of Innovation and Science Australia
  • Omron Corporation
  • Optus
  • Powerledger
  • Potogen Technologies
  • Qualcomm
  • R3
  • South32
  • Suncorp Group
  • Telstra
  • The BPay Group
  • Transgrid
  • Uber Australia
  • University of Sydney
  • University Technology of Sydney
  • Vodafone
  • Westpac