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  1. Receive Latest Updates On Incentives, Tax Benefits, Government Policies On Circular Economy Adoption, Innovations And Corporate Social Responsibilities On Climate Action
  2. Gain Insights From Recycling Industry Leaders On The Latest Trends, Technological Developments, Strategies And Policies Which Are Shaping Asia Pacific’s Circular Economy Industry
  3. Learn From Best Practices And Case Studies Of Organizations That Have Successfully Started On The Circular Economy Journey
  4. Understand The Operational And Strategic Considerations Needed Before Jumping On The Circular Economy Bandwagon
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  6. Discover An Exciting Showcase Of Innovative Products And Sustainable Solutions To Collect, Process And Recycle Waste
  7. Re-purpose Waste Through Innovative Product Design, Resource Utilization, Waste Transformations Into Renewed Products
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Post-forum Sustainability Innovations Site Visits

Post-forum Sustainability Innovations Site Visits: Thursday, 6 February 2020

Site Visit A – Visit To Neste’s Renewable Biofuel Facility To Observe How Renewable Energy/Fuels Can Be Commercialized Profitably And At The Same Time, Achieve Circular Economy Objectives

Climate change is a global challenge that concerns all of us. In this site tour, you will have a chance to witness how Neste tackles climate change by producing renewable diesel with lower Greenhouse Gas emissions. Our renewable diesel are mostly refined from waste and residues, such as used cooking oil and waste animal fat. Neste is the world’s largest producer of renewable diesel, and is the world 3rd most sustainable company on the global 100 list. Its Singapore refinery is one of the three refineries Neste has established that produces only renewable products. At the end of 2018, Neste decided to invest over 2 billion Singapore dollars to expand the overall capacity in Singapore by up to 1.3 million tons per annum, bringing the total Neste renewable product capacity close to 4.5 million tons annually in 2022. The production capacity of the refinery is 1 million tons per year. The location of the Neste refinery is excellent, as the Singapore city-state is a very central location from the point of view of product and feedstock flows. Singapore is the world’s third-largest center of oil refining.

Site Visit B: Food Waste Management & Trigeneration Plant 

Food makes up 22% of discarded municipal solid waste. The single largest source of GHG, it causes 8% of emissions. 5% is retail expiration date waste. Food waste reduction solutions are now available for food retailed, unleashing dynamic pricing’s power, based on expiry dates. They offer mark-down optimization and with this can achieve a 60% reduction in food waste, the opportunity to boost top line revenues by 6% and raise actionable consumer waste awareness.

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Embracing care at the heart of their business, Grand Hyatt Singapore is committed to protecting the planet for future generations by adopting a holistic approach towards sustainability and pioneering sustainable initiatives across multiple touchpoints in the hotel.

A journey that started in the early 2011 with the installation of the Trigeneration Plant, the hotel has since achieved waste and water reduction, better utilization of resources and energy, and providing guests with greater value through sustainable dining and wellness.

The hotel will continue to embed sustainability in our strategy by exploring more opportunities in Food Sourcing, Food Waste Management, Energy and Water, and Hotel Operations, as we build a culture of Environmental Stewardship for 2020 and beyond.