Main Forum Day 1 | Monday, 14 February 2022
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Agenda |
Addressing The Mental Health And Suicide Issues In Schools |
09:45 |
Welcoming Speech, Opening Remarks & Thank You Sponsor Speech By Forum Chairperson |

Dr Tony Mordini
Melbourne High School |
10:00 |
Student Mental Health And Suicide Prevention: A Clinical Perspective Of The Challenges Of Stigmatization, Pitfalls And Long Term Intervention
Nearly everyone around the world has been afflicted or devastated directly or indirectly by the Coronavirus for 2 years and counting. In Singapore much has been done to alleviate and buffer this global calamity. We focus now on the care-giving aspects of mental health amongst students as well care-givers. For professional laypeople who have found themselves unexpectedly in the care-giving role especially in non-clinical settings, what are some of the pitfalls and nuances that they should be aware of? The irony is that though help is available, there seems to be an aversion in seeking help. We will explore some reasons why there have been such hesitancies or resistances to prevent an exacerbation and deterioration of the student’s well-being to prevent suicidal ideation and/or suicide itself as the only option in coping with pre-existing mental illness and/or stress. |

Ben Ho
Counseling Psychologist
10:30 |
Improving Schools’ Readiness For Involvement In Suicide Prevention: Effective Suicide Prevention Practice In Secondary Schools |
Schools have an important role to play in combatting suicide, a significant public health problem that disproportionately affects adolescents and young adults. Schools can work to reduce youth suicidality by adopting policies that align with best practice recommendations pertaining to suicide prevention, intervention and postvention.
The Institute of Mental Health (IMH) encourages a multiple-stakeholder approach to preventing suicides among youth, including collaborations between ministries and national agencies. At the ministerial level, the Ministry of Education (MOE) has sought to change the examination system and also introduce socio-emotional learning programmes in existing curriculum. MSF also refers mental health cases to the Child Guidance Clinic (CGC), which is housed under IMH. |

Dr Ong Say How
Senior Consultant Psychiatrist & Chief of the Department of Developmental Psychiatry
Institute of Mental Health, Singapore |
Student Mental Health Best Practices |
11:00 |
A Case Study: One World International School – Suntec Campus’ Approach To Student Wellbeing |
With the recent events and the impact they have had on educational environments and approaches, student wellbeing is more important than it has ever been. Students should be supported in developing resilience and developing strategies to help them deal with the uncertainty of the world around them and with their reaction to these uncertainties. As one of the newest international schools in Singapore, OWIS Suntec has strived to develop a student wellbeing plan from day one that ensures that students are being provided with the tools and strategies they need to succeed not only academically but emotionally as well. They recognize that these skills and strategies must be taught from a young age and supported and nurtured throughout the academic life of a child. |

Mark Renie
Head of School
One World International School – Suntec Campus |
11:30 |
The Strengths Based Approach: Behaviour Management & Student Interaction With Pre-Teens & Teens |
This session will provide the audience with information regarding the research support Strengths Based Approach to encouraging positive behaviour and interaction with students. This session will focus on what it is, and how the approach taken with students within an international middle school setting. As well as expected goals and results of the approach. |

Travis Ion
Middle School – Head of Pastoral Care & Student Wellbeing
Stamford American International School, Singapore |
12:00 |
Promoting Student Mental Health In Challenging Transitions And Building Resilience For University Readiness |
Starting university can be a wonderful and exciting time for students as they acquire new knowledge, meet new people, learn about themselves and others and form lasting friendships. It can also be layered with difficulties that can originate in the transition period; in high school the students are still tunnel-vision focussed on completing school and examination requirements. In university they’re shell shocked and need a bit of hand holding as they feel things out. One is an ending, the other is a beginning.
Ensuring student success is not merely a set of academic considerations. For most, this will be the first time they live away from home and are truly responsible for their life choices. In order to promote personal, social and academic readiness we will take a look at strategies/activities that promote personal awareness, build resilience and ultimately lead to students feeling excited and ready to ‘leave well’ to the next chapter of their lives. |

Aidan Crowley
University Guidance Counsellor
St. Joseph’s Institution International (SJI International) |
12:30 |
Lunch Break |
13:30 |
A Whole School Approach To Destigmatising Mental Health |
Apart from teachers and school counselors, peers are the next best people to provide social and emotional support for students in need or distress. At Temasek Polytechnic, peer support initiatives are just one of the many initiatives carried out to support their student wellbeing. The objective of this presentation is to share what are the other initiatives to help students or parents of students who have mental health concerns to understand the support for students and work with the school to the betterment of their mental health concerns. Some of the areas that will be covered are how to seek help avenues for students, initiating E-forum on mental health topics, working with academic staff to support students and usage of technology to like chatbots. |

Tan Sok Ngin
Senior Manager/ Student Care
Temasek Polytechnic (TP) |
Understanding Root Causes Of Mental Health And Suicide Trends |
14:00 |
The Impact Of Social Media On Youth Mental Health |
Social media has created an unprecedented and complex social environment for youth and their families to navigate. This has introduced new risks to youth mental health, but also potential opportunities for growth.
This session will cover the rapidly growing body of research on the impact of social media on youth mental health and synthesize what the current scientific evidence suggests about how, why and for whom social media use may have positive or negative effects.
The aim of the talk is to help parents and teachers better understand:
- what makes youth engage with and respond to social media in adaptive or maladaptive ways;
- if there are specific social media behaviours or experiences that could increase youth risk or resilience to mental health issues; and
- how they can help youth navigate social media in a safe(r) way.

Dr Jacqueline Lee Tilley
Assistant Professor | Psychology and Child & Human Development Area Group
National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University |
14:30 |
Tackling “Shame-Based” Stigma And Discrimination Surrounding Mental Health Issues |
High levels of stigma hinder those who need help from seeking it. There is a high level of stigma around mental health issues, which makes it difficult for youth to speak about suicidal thoughts. Seen as cowardly and selfish behaviour, such conversations often result in distrust, shunning and avoidance by others. Such judgment tends to stem from ignorance, fear and misunderstanding. More efforts to raise public awareness are therefore necessary to improve information and dialogue on youth suicide. |

Mui Hua Catherine Toh
Counsellor/ Researcher/ Volunteer/ Mental Health Advocate Doctor of Philosophy (Health)
James Cook University, Candidate |
The Hidden Signs And Symptoms Of Student Mental Health Issues |
15:00 |
Identifying Warning Signs Of Hidden Student Depression, Mental Illness, Anxiety And Suicidal Thinking: How To Effectively Spot Early Indications Of Mental Health Struggle |
- How students can identify a friend in need
- Implementing awareness, staff training and resources to educate so your school is equipped to address and manage student mental health
- Engaging your staff in a continuous dialogue about the mental wellbeing of your school community
- Promoting open communication between students and staff to help with early detection of mental health issues

Bobby Teng
Psychology Trained Clinical Counsellor | Certified Hypnotherapist and Time-Line Therapist |
Cyber Well-Being |
15:30 |
Importance Of Managing Cyber Addiction In Adolescents |
About 2 in 3 Singaporeans admit they have a social networking and Internet addiction. Any device that has internet access can be addictive, such as smartphones or tablets. This problem is most common among young adults. They may have an Internet gaming addiction when they spend so much time playing online games or on the Internet that it affects their daily life.
How does it affect them? If they become addicted to games or using the Internet, their grades could drop, they are unable to go to school, their relationship with family becomes strained, they sleep poorly, they do not feel like eating, and they feel depressed or angry. This presentation will take a closer look into the gamer motivations, learn how to identify warning signs, how you can support them and ways to develop cyber well-being in schools. |

Mr. Willie Soh
Chief Enabling Officer
MindConnexions Pte Ltd |
Fire-Side Chat |
16:00 |
Lived Expertise And The Difference It Makes With One-On-One Counselling For Youth Who Are Experiencing Suicidal Ideation Or Living With Mental Health Issues Diagnosed Or Not |

Asher Low
Executive Director / Social Worker
Limitless |
16:30 |
Closing Remarks By Forum Chairperson |

Dr Tony Mordini
Melbourne High School |