Forum Highlights

Why Join Us

  1. Gain advantage on the ultimate platform that close the gap between insurers and InsurTech firms
  2. Explore the threats and opportunities of InsurTech and disruptive innovation that reshaping the insurance industry
  3. Discover emerging innovative technologies that unlock improvement in underwriting, loss and claims management
  4. Grasp effective analytics technique that would optimize product and pricing development in insurance
  5. Create a greater customer experience by leveraging Big Data analytics
  6. Foster dialogue with our panellist addressing key strategy in driving internal innovation
  7. Challenge the capability of business growth through telematics usage-based insurance
  8. Redefine insurance claim management process with assistance of drone technology
  9. Deploying Artificial Intelligence to enhance claims assessment, fraud prevention and coverage validation
  10. Create a competitive edge with effective and sustainable growth with deployment of Smart Contract

Hot Topics to Be Discussed


  • Australia InsurTech Innovations Showcase


  • Major Outlook on InsurTech Development, Disruptive Innovation and Global Industry Collaborations
  • Discover New InsurTech Models and Product Strategy in Disrupting the Insurance Insurance
  • Case studies from renown InsurTech firms such as Trov in redefining Insurers’ Value Chain
  • Leverage Game-Changing Blockchain Technology in Enhancing Operational Efficiency with Automation and Reduce Administrative Cost
  • Adopt New IoTs Innovations such as Connectivity System, Drone, Telematics and Sensors in Redefining the Insurance Landscape


  • Insights on Trending Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Advanced Analytics in Transforming A More Accurate Underwriting, Claim Management and Fraud Prevention
  • Success Case Studies from QBE Insurance, Suncorp, AIG, ANZ Wealth in Deploying AI in Different Use Cases in Insurance World
  • Discover Various Trending Innovation in Disrupting both P&C Insurance and Life Assurance
  • Stream A: Innovations in P&C Insurance – Telematics Connectivity, Blockchain Technology and Augmented Reality
  • Stream B: Innovations in Life Insurance – Wearable Technology, Blockchain Smart Contract and Facial Recognition Analytics
  • Implement RPA and Chatbot in Operational Efficiency and Harness Customer Experience

Revolutionizing Future of Insurance Technology and Innovations




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