Forum Highlights

Why Join Us At This Forum

  1. Join the only Intelligent Transport conference in Australia that covers a comprehensive range of innovative topics – Uber Air, Autonomous Truck Platooning, 5G, Flying Taxis, Hyperloop and Mobility as a Service
  2. International and local case studies shared by prominent speakers who have played imperative roles in realizing Intelligent Transport and Mobility as a Service initiatives
  3. Proven best practices and practical insights on what Intelligent Transport needs to succeed and how they can be implemented cost-effectively
  4. Interactive, outcome-focused roundtable discussions and panels that aim to answer pressing questions and assist delegates in mapping out their Intelligent Transport journeys
  5. An exclusive platform for industry experts to address major Intelligent Transport and Mobility as a Service challenges and share solutions covering the various aspects of these
  6. A valuable opportunity to engage and forge partnerships with thought leaders, business leaders, policymakers and much more
  7. Learn more about the technologies and methodologies underpinning the successful deployment of cutting-edge transportation advancements
  8. Get a Chance to Engage and Mingle with Entrepreneurs, Investors and Business Leaders From ITS Industry
  9. Understand the Impact of the Disruptive Innovation on Current and Future of Transport System
  10. Invaluable Takeaways from International and Local Speakers and Practical insights on How to Combat Traffic Congestion.

Hot Topics To Be Discussed

  1. Volocopter Air Taxis – Bringing Mobility As A Service Into The Third Dimension
  2. Innovations In Mobility As A Service
  3. On-Demand Public Transport
  4. World’s First Autonomous Taxi
  5. AI In Predicting Traffic Conditions And Creating Adaptive Network Systems
  6. Innovations In V2X And Connected Vehicles
  7. Future Of Smart Roads And Intelligent Infrastructures
  8. Advanced Data Analytics And Transportation Modelling In Urban Cities
  9. Uber Air: How On-Demand Flying Taxi Can Radically Improve Urban Mobility
  10. Learning Lessons From Deployment Of Autonomous Cars And Shuttles
  11. Latest Developments In Automated Truck Platooning
  12. How Hyperloop Will Transform The Transportation Industry

Post Forum Site Tour


SITE TOUR A: Autonomous NSW Shuttle Deployment Site Tour at Sydney Olympic Park

The state government of NSW has recently reinforced its position on driverless technology, committing to a new “Centre of Excellence” for autonomous cars. In this site tour, you will visit recent deployment of autonomous shuttle at Sydney Olympic Park and Armidale CBD where you will discover the deployment challenges and learning lessons from autonomous shuttle. The five-kilometre route is currently the longest driverless shuttle deployment in Australia and, due to the city’s challenging road infrastructure and terrain, is understood to be among the more complex routes for automated vehicles.

SITE TOUR B: University of Sydney Intelligent Transport Research Centre

In this site tour, you will visit the $55 million iMOVE and University of Sydney Cooperative Research Centre that has received a $55 million grant from the government. You will see the latest research and innovations in intelligent transportation systems and autonomous vehicles across a wide variety of industrial and urban applications. iMOVE is a consortium of 44 industry, government, and research partners engaged in a concerted 10-year effort to improve Australia’s transport systems through collaborative R&D projects. It will help companies — and Australia — be more competitive, productive, and prosperous.