Forum Highlights

About This Conference

Our groundbreaking Predictive and Preventive Maintenance, Reliability and Asset Integrity Forum has gathered an expert panel of speakers from a diverse industry sectors to share new developments and tried-and-tested methods to improve your preventive and predictive maintenance capabilities.

Explore and adopt new maintenance techniques from other industries that have dealt with similar issues. They will also show you what best practices looks like both now and in the future, and explore strategies to prevent and preempt asset failures, extend critical asset life and deliver sustainable business outcomes within limited resources.

Capitalize on these critical insights to bring your asset management capabilities to greater heights. Open your eyes to a world of possibilities in January 2017 at Brisbane. We look forward to welcoming you!

10 Reasons To Join Us This January 2017

  1. Network and forge strategic partnerships with high-profile attendees and industry peers
  2. Benchmark your asset integrity program that can lead to a higher overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)
  3. Improve equipment reliability and plant utilization with proactive solutions that offer real-time visibility and control
  4. Strategically allocate limited resources and prioritizing workflows based on asset criticality levels
  5. Construct the right maintenance metrics with reference to the ISO 55000 standard to improve asset reliability
  6. Explore new solutions (i.e. BIM and telematics) and forward-looking strategies in asset reliability management
  7. Retrofit existing and ageing assets with smart technology and advanced features
  8. Revolutionize asset management with Industrial IoT and predictive analytics
  9. Hear success stories and case studies sharing tried-and-true methods to achieve asset management excellence
  10. Accurately plan and forecast for the replacement of critical components

Hot Topics to be Discussed


  • Degradation modelling and asset life prediction with data-driven prognostics
  • Real-time visibility and control with secured remote monitoring and diagnostics
  • Case study! Building Information Modeling (BIM) for enhanced asset management and cost savings
  • Maximize the value of your investments and asset management strategy


  • Effective maintenance metrics with reference to the ISO 55000 standards
  • Case study! Reforming maintenance system using a predictive operational model
  • Case study! Putting the customer at the heart of asset management
  • Build people capability towards Industry 4.0


  • Developing Asset Lifecycle Costing & Risk Based Plans for Effective Asset Management
  • Mastering CMMS Systems to Optimize Preventive & Predictive Maintenance