Forum Highlights

Why Join Us At This Forum

  1. Meet leading players from the maritime, logistics, regulatory and other spheres, on an exclusive platform for networking and knowledge sharing
  2. Be inspired by case studies of the world’s most advanced ports and the technology and methodology behind their implementation
  3. Join the discussion around the challenges, solutions and rewards of smart port implementation at interactive roundtables
  4. See how smart ports help traditional port leaders stay competitive in the face of upcoming changes in the international transport landscape
  5. Discover how now-familiar technologies like blockchain, VR and drones are becoming crucial enablers of next-generation shipping
  6. Find out more about how interconnectivity builds the cornerstone of intelligent ports
  7. Learn about the importance of traffic management in an intermodal shipping environment
  8. See how technologies like IoT are creating new business opportunities for port handlers
  9. Explore the growing new frontier of fully autonomous ships and how it could revive domestic coastal shipping
  10. Get up to speed on the legal and regulatory barriers to automated shipping

Hot Topics To Be Discussed

  1. How Rotterdam Is Building The Most Automated Port In The World
  2. Australia’s First Fully Automated Port – A Case Study Of Victoria International Container Terminal
  3. How To De-Congest Ports With AI Technology, IoT And Autonomous Trucks
  4. How Terminal Drones Can Drive Further Automation In Port Operations
  5. How Port Of Brisbane Is Leveraging Block Chain To Cut Out $1 Billion Unnecessary Logistics Cost
  6. Exploring The Limits With Autonomous Ships – What Does The Future Hold?
  7. Building Australia’s Next Generation Logistics Hub – The Melding Of Infrastructure, Markets And Technology
  8. The Trust Revolution In Global Trade: Towards High-Trust Blockchain Supply Chains
  9. How Port Of Melbourne Is Developing Smart Infrastructure To Provide Capacity For Operational Flexibility
  10. Redefining The Role Of Port With Digital Ecosystem At Port Of Auckland
  11. Retrofitting Ports For Automation And Upgrades: Implementation Challenges And ROI
  12. Designing Intelligent Traffic Flows with IoTs and Sensor Data Monitoring in Ports
  13. How Digitalization Of The Entire Port Eco-System Helps To Overcome Port Inefficiencies At Port Of Singapore
  14. Smart Port Road-Mapping And Implementation
  15. Regulating Autonomous And Remotely-Operated Vessel In National Waters
  16. Fighting Congestion And Improving Vessel Throughputs With IoT And Sensor Data

Autonomous Port Site Tours


SITE TOUR A: Port Botany Automated Container Terminal & Automation Technology

Apart from being safer than conventional ports, automated ports can benefit from productivity increases of up to 35% and operating expense reductions of up to 55%, according to McKinsey research. 80% of shipping leaders expect at least half of all greenfield port projects to be semi- or full automated in the next few years. Get a glimpse of this future in this exclusive tour of Sydney’s Port Botany, where autonomous machines have taken over the labor previously done by dockworkers. You will see how automation delivers highly efficient terminal operations 24/7, with less fuel, maintenance costs and human risk.

SITE TOUR B: World’s First State-Of-The-Art Intermodal Automation At Moorebank Logistics Park, Sydney 

As the world’s first automated intermodal terminal, Sydney’s Moorebank Logistics Park will help reduce emissions and safety risk through the use of world-first, fully automated, electrically powered container handling equipment and automated systems. The efficiency of this technology will also provide certainty that containers leave from a ship and arrive at the warehouses in a single day, instead of four days as in the past. Join us for a visit to Moorebank to see the gains it is reaping from state-of-the-art automated transport, rail and more, and how your operations can benefit from similar rollouts of port automation.