Forum Highlights

Key Highlights

  1. Revolutionizing Tomorrow’s Banking With Digital Transformation
  2. Rethink Traditional Banking Models With Full-Suite Solutions Powered By Emerging Innovations
  3. How Philippines’ First Digital Bank Tonik Drives Financial Inclusion At Scale
  4. How The Funding Societies Can Improve Banking Facilities Access For The Underserved And Unbanked Market Segment
  5. Revolutionizing Bank Loans To Small Businesses By Leveraging Real-Time Payment Data And Risk Management Systems
  6. Reshaping The Digital Customer Journey With Digital Bank Innovations
  7. How The World First Digital Islamic Bank Uses e-KYC To Help The Unbanked Segment Access Its Digital Financial Services
  8. Delivering Seamless And Secured Experiences With Biometrics Technology
  9. Embracing Disruption And Preparing For The Future Of Banking
  10. Building A Sustainable Digital Bank By Tapping Into Data
  11. How First Boulevard Is Leveraging Blockchain Technology In Cutting Wait Times And Paper Trails
  12. How UNObank Is Securing The Digital Banking Ecosystem With API Security & Governance

Hot Topics To Be Discussed


  • Revolutionizing tomorrow’s banking with digital transformation
  • Rethinking traditional banking models with full-suite banking solutions
  • Accelerating financial inclusion at scale with emerging digital banks
  • Developing a dynamic and agile digital bank ecosystem
  • Improving banking facilities access for the underserved and unbanked market segment
  • Shaping and reimagining personalized, effective customer experiences with digital banking


  • Reshaping the digital customer journey with digital bank innovations
  • Designing seamless banking experiences with e-KYC and biometrics technology
  • Securing the digital banking ecosystem with API security and governance
  • Harnessing digital bank data protection and cybersecurity with advanced technologies
  • Growing a sustainable digital banking ecosystem
  • Embracing disruption and preparing for the future of banking


  • Masterclass A: Creating A Roadmap For Future Digital Banking Strategies
  • Masterclass B: Key Strategies To Attain A Sustainable Digital Bank Ecosystem

Exclusive Post-Forum Masterclass


MASTERCLASS A: 10:00 – 12:00

Creating A Roadmap For Future Digital Banking Strategies

Digital banking in Asia is primed for growth with regulators from many countries increasing license allocations and governing the new standards of the next generation of banking. As traditional business models get turned on their head and customers gain more power and access to better financial services than ever before, the need for a successful roadmap to starting a robust digital bank ecosystem has never been greater. This masterclass will help you plot your course to one by delivering insights on how to identify customers and define a clear strategy while defining your organization’s value proposition. You will also get valuable updates on the changing licensing & regulatory landscape that will help you build an agile platform that provides strong customer experience and engagement.


MASTERCLASS B: 13:00 – 15:00

Key Strategies To Attain A Sustainable Digital Bank Ecosystem

New digital banks’ business models have proven that economies of scale are a significant success factor in building the digital banks of tomorrow. A successful banking business needs scale not only to lower operating cost but also to build confidence and win customers. Learn the importance of scale in digital banking and more in this second masterclass, which will bring you key strategies in building a sustainable digital bank business model that will enable your organization to optimize customer engagement, products, processes and data models with digital technologies.