Forum Highlights

Why Join Us At This Forum

  1. Compelling case studies shared by speakers who have played major roles in the drive for green financing and impact investment
  2. Proven best practices and practical insights on what organizations need to turn green financing and impact investment to their advantage
  3. Interactive, outcome-focused roundtable discussions and panels aimed at demystifying green financing and impact investment, and assisting delegates in plotting a course to adopt these
  4. An exclusive platform for experts to address pressing challenges to issuing and measuring green bonds and impact investments, and share solutions
  5. A valuable opportunity to engage and forge partnerships with thought and business leaders in the emerging field of environmentally and socially responsible investing
  6. Hard-hitting takeaways on how impact investment and green financing are improving lives and saving the environment worldwide
  7. Insights into why green bonds and ESG commitment are attractive to institutional investors, and how these can unlock access to them
  8. Useful examples of causes and projects organizations can fund through green bonds and impact investment, and how best to pitch these
  9. Understanding why are more institutional investors investing in relatively safer Green Bonds
  10. Inspirational showcases of the latest disruptive players and innovative models in sustainable investing

Hot Topics To Be Discussed

  • How CDL Accelerated Sustainable Development Through Green Financing And ESG Commitment?
  • Why Did Sindicatum Become The First Asian Renewable Energy Firm To Issue Green Bonds?
  • How Green Bonds Will Help To Create A Climate Resilient Future?
  • Reasons Why ADB Has Made A Cornerstone Investment In Ayala Corporation
  • Understanding The Emerging Difference In Green Bond Standards For Green Bond Issuance
  • How To Structure & Issue A Successful Green Bond
  • How Sunseap Leverages On Green Financing To Acquire New Institutional Investors & Create Financing Liquidity
  • Differences Between Green Bond Vs Green Loan In Asia
  • How Olam International Uses Sustainability As An Enabler, Differentiator & Value Creator
  • How Green Financing Improves Equity Values Of Issuing Companies?
  • What Are The Core Competencies That Institutional Investors Look For Before Investing In Green Bonds?
  • Impact Investment On Improving Women Equity
  • Impact Investment To Tackle Climate Change & Pollution In Asia

Post-Forum Masterclasses

Post-Forum Masterclasses: 6 February 2020

Masterclass A
Structuring Successful Green Bonds: From Establishing ESG Ratings To Acquiring Anchor Investors And Compliance Monitoring For New Bond Issues

Green bonds set a new annual high last year, with more than $140 billion issued globally. But with the waters around green financing as muddied as they are, tapping the rising demand for these bonds calls for a variety of measures to maintain investor trust and confidence. Successful green bond issuers must tailor-make green bond frameworks incorporating environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings, implement strong compliance and reporting practices, secure anchor investors and more. Let Stefan Ullrich, Director Sustainable Finance of Paia Consulting, guide you through all these in this exclusive masterclass.

Green Bonds

Masterclass B
Understanding The Emerging Differences In Green Bond Standards For Green Bond Issuance

Investing green is easier said than done. Green bonds can currently be issued under a variety of voluntary standards, with no universal compliance with the main green financing frameworks. The uncertainty this creates for investors’ poses risks of ‘greenwashing’ – where green bonds are used to fund non-green projects – and demands clearer understanding of the finer points of what exactly makes a green bond. Learn what these are and how your organization can issue credible, transparent and effective green bonds, in this masterclass headed by Cedric Riamund, Director of Emerging Market Research of Climate Bonds Initiative.