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Forum Highlights
8 Reasons To Join Us At This Forum
- Witness significant case studies from thought leaders and experts in curbing Indigenous mental health and suicide behavior issues
- Discuss strategies to help Indigenous communities in improving community wellbeing and formulating suicide prevention strategies
- Discover how integration of cultural and community-led approaches can create effective suicide prevention programs
- Delve into the root cause of mental health risks by addressing intergenerational and social wounds
- Tacking key factors behind the rising concern of suicide behavior in Indigenous communities
- Explore how technology can improve mental health care systems for Indigenous communities in rural areas
- Share ideas on best practices in overcoming social ills in the Indigenous communities, and enhancing suicide prevention initiatives
- Get pressing questions answered through insightful, engaging and thought-provoking keynotes, discussions, and networking sessions
Hot Themes To Be Discussed
- Addressing The Problem Of Depression, Despair And Suicide In Australia’s Indigenous Communities
- Tackling Indigenous Youth Suicide With Peer Mentoring
- The Importance Of Community Involvement In Indigenous Suicide Prevention
- How The Alive And Kicking Goals! Program Helps Enhanced Indigenous Youth Self-Esteem
- How Community-led Efforts Can Be Effective In Fighting Against Suicide Behavior
- The Emotional And Spiritual Wellbeing Of The Indigenous Community In Curbing Suicide Behavior
- Why Reconciliation Is Important In Lifting Up Indigenous Mental Health
- How E-health Can Help To Overcome Mental Issues Amongst The Indigenous Community
- Providing Mental Care To Indigenous Communities
- How Black Dog Institute’s Lifespan Uses Indigenous Experiences To Develop Strategies
- Leveraging Suicide Prevention Apps For The Indigenous Community
- Tackling Domestic Violence And Sexual Abuse For Aboriginal Women And Children
- Tackling Violence And Poverty Within Indigenous Communities
- Government-led Efforts In Suicide Prevention
- Building Resilience In Aboriginal Children & Youth Through Cultural Identity And Pride
Featuring Top-notch Speakers From:
- Government Health Departments
- Non-Governmental Organizations
- Local Councils
- Not-for-profit Organizations
- Public Health
- Emergency And Correctional Services
- Community Members
- Aboriginal Controlled Community Organizations
- Education Institutions & Universities