Forum Highlights

10 Key Reasons to Join Us

  1. Discover the key technological drivers and trends for Singapore’s manufacturing landscape
  2. Gain a 360-degree overview about the latest Industry 4.0 technologies from the key players in the scene and their corresponding tremendous economic potential
  3. Harness unparalleled insights on the latest uses and applications of smart manufacturing solutions to improve productivity, efficiency and accuracy of operations
  4. Envision and digitally transform your manufacturing processes to reap massive rewards
  5. Gather inspiration from thought-provoking sessions to fast track your Industry 4.0 adoption to achieve manufacturing agility, efficiency, innovation and thinking
  6. Unveil ground-breaking initiatives enabled by smart manufacturing technologies
  7. Tap into exclusive insights, market-leading case studies and solutions from smart manufacturing experts in creating effective and customer-centric manufacturing strategies
  8. Examine best practices of local and global organizations that have successfully embarked on their Industry 4.0 journey
  9. Gather first-hand information on government support, grants, policies and regulations, and their impact on your digital transformation
  10. Engage and strike mutually beneficial partnerships with organization decision makers, industry experts and other stakeholders

Hot Topics to be Discussed


  • Factories of the Future Site Tour
  • Additive Manufacturing Sharing Session and Site Tour
  • Robotics and Automation Site Tour


  • Visionary Keynote: Singapore’s Advanced Manufacturing Initiatives “Industry 4.0” – Transforming the City-State into Asia’s Future Manufacturing Powerhouse
  • Infineon’s Plan to Transform its Singapore Plant into a Smart Factory
  • International Roundtable Discussions: Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 Technology Success Stories and Takeaway Lessons from Key Players in The Region
  • Rolls Royce’s Additive Manufacturing Case Study
  • Why On-Demand Manufacturing Could Be the Future of Manufacturing
  • Unilever Case Study: How Data Empowers its Entire Manufacturing
  • SMEs Panel: How SMEs Can Join the Industry 4.0 Race and Start to Automate their Manufacturing Floor


  • The Power of AI in Entire Manufacturing: From Demand Planning to Automated Quality Control and Predicting Machines Breakdown
  • The Future of Robotics in Manufacturing: Co-Bots, AI Integration and Robots as A Service
  • How Industrial IoT Makes Ericsson’s Smart Factories Even Smarter
  • Predictive Maintenance With IoT: What It Means for Manufacturing 4.0
  • Panel: How IoT, Connectivity & Data Analytics are Transforming Manufacturing
  • Logistics 4.0 – Smart Supply Chain Management with Industry 4.0

Pre-Forum Site Tours

Factories of the Future Site Tour
In this exclusive site tour, delegates will have a glimpse of the future of manufacturing. Delegates will be able to get up-close and personal with emerging technologies of Industry 4.0 like world-class advancements in data and analytics, robotics and automation, and production methods such 3-D and 4-D printing, all of which play a critical role in reshaping manufacturing and operations.


Additive Manufacturing Sharing Session and Site Tour
The leading experts in Singapore’s 3D printing industry will show you the diverse industrial applications of 3D printing and demonstrations of the various innovations and possibilities enabled by 3D printing: rapid prototyping, direct tooling, rapid jig & fixture, design for additive manufacturing and process optimisation.


Robotics and Automation Site Tour
Discover novel robotics manufacturing solutions in hardware and software that can benefit growing industries such as food and beverage, pharmaceutical, consumer electronics, and solar photovoltaics.
