Conference Highlights
Why Join This Conference
10 Reasons to join us in May at the 2nd Applying Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning for Enterprises Conference
- AI-First Enterprise: How Machine Learning is Used To Transform the Enterprise
- Case Study: How Dolby Uses AI To Re-imagine the Future of its Business
- BMW Case Study: Putting AI in Driveless Cars
- How Deep Learning is Transforming Different Vertical Industries
- JPMorgan: Operationalizing Machine Learning
- How to Integrate AI into Your Existing Infrastructure
- How Government is Using AI Increase Efficiency, Service Delivery and Citizen Engagement
- BUPA ANZ: Achieving Transformative Business Outcomes with Artificial Intelligence
- GE Case Study: Using AI to Drive Across Its Entire Business
- Building the AI Systems of the Future
- Solving Business Problems with Deep Learning
- CTO and Chief Data Scientist Panel
Hot Topics to be Discussed
DAY 1: Monday 8 May 2019
- The AI-First Enterprise: How Advanced Machine Learning will transform the Enterprise
- What’s next in AI – The Technology and Challenges of Audio AI
- What Top Companies are Doing with AI + Industry 4.0 today, what are the investment opportunities, what we can learn from them – Success in the Age of AI
- Case Study: AI in Security/Intelligence & Anti-Terror Services – Using AI to Predict the Probability of Crime in Location by Detecting Anomalies and Faces
- Case Study:AI + Blockchain in Education
- Operationalizing Machine Learning: How to Ensure Value-Driven Deployment
- Many Use Cases across the industries & New applications of AI
DAY 2: Tuesday 9 May 2019
- Government-Wide AI Strategy: How AI Increase Efficiency, Reduce Operational Costs, Improve Service Delivery and Increase Citizen Engagement
- Putting AI in Driveless Cars
- Building AI for Industry: Translating AI R&D into Applications & Commercial Us
- Building the AI Systems of the Future: Trends in new AI Systems
- Why many AIs are better than one: Trusted Human-Swarm Teaming, with future applications
Post-Conference Seminars & Site Tour: 10 May 2019
- How To Build Your Company’s AI Strategy
- How to Train and Execute a Deep Learning Model to Be Able to Re-identify and Extract Attributes from Humans
- Visits to corporations, innovation labs and institutions which have successfully rolled out AI & IoT programmes or are test-bedding new AI-IoT technologies
Companies Expected at the Conference
- ABB Australia
- AgriDigital
- AIA Australia
- Amazon Web Services
- Australia Post
- Australian Driverless Vehicle Initiative (ADVI)
- Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC)
- Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)
- Australian Farm Institute
- Australian Securities Exchange
- Austroads
- Deakin University
- Energy Australia
- Flinders University
- Garvan Institute of Medical Research
- HCF Australia
- Healthdirect Australia
- IBM Cognitive Australia
- ITS Australia
- Juwi Renewable Energy
- Microsoft Australia
- Ministry of Environment and Energy
- National Australian Bank
- National Transport Commission
- Nokia Australia
- Office of Innovation and Science Australia
- Omron Corporation
- Optus
- Powerledger
- Potogen Technologies
- Qualcomm
- R3
- South32
- Suncorp Group
- Telstra
- The BPay Group
- Transgrid
- Uber Australia
- University of Sydney
- University Technology of Sydney
- Vodafone
- Westpac