Forum Highlights

Why Join This Forum

  1. Discover how emerging technologies are able to bring in growth and expansion to the construction space
  2. Integrate advanced technologies and digitization into your large scale construction projects
  3. Learn to gather data, automate processes and build structures with more precision, accuracy and speed to ensure quality
  4. Upkeep yourself with the global digitization and how to integrate technologies for global economic growth
  5. Address the challenges of evolving from traditionally build to adopting construction automation and innovation
  6. Explore the potential benefits and future possibilities of information technology in construction industry
  7. Foster collaborative relationships across the supply chain in a new business model environment
  8. Solve projects complexity with innovative ideas that will help you attain project and company objectives
  9. Attend interactive presentations, case studies, and see live demonstrations and innovation showcase
  10. Network with experts and industry leaders from various builders, vendors and technology solution providers in the region

Hot Topics to be Discussed

DAY 1: MONDAY, 30 APRIL 2018

  • Improving Productivity with Innovations in New Construction Automation Technologies & Robotics
  • Global Case Study on Pioneering New Model of Construction with PPVC
  • Case Studies on Future Construction Innovation: 3-D Printing, DfMA, Robotics and Autonomous Vehicle
  • Utilizing Drones for Construction Site Pre-Inspection, Digital Mapping and High Definition Surveying

DAY 2: TUESDAY, 1 MAY 2018

  • Digital Collaboration with OPENBIM
  • Shaping the Future of Architecture, Engineering and Construction Design through AR/VR
  • Roundtable Discussion on Construction Design and Project Delivery
  • SITE TOUR 1 : Future of Construction with Augmented Reality

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  • SITE TOUR 2 : New Timber Technology a Game-Changer for ConstructionMiles-Construction

Innovation, Automation, Efficiency & Quality with Construction Technology



B1M Construction robot